Last year’s personal net buying No. 3 ETF Gump Bus… The threshold increases from the 4th

In order to invest in the New Year’s Leverage (±2x) ETF and ETC, you must entrust the basic deposit and complete preliminary training. It is applied to existing investors as a measure in accordance with the’ETF·ETN market consolidation plan’ announced by the Financial Services Commission in May last year.

Last year's personal net purchase 3rd place'ETF Gump Bus'...  The threshold increases from the 4th

According to the financial investment industry on the 3rd, it is necessary to receive preliminary training (1 hour) operated by the Financial Investment Training Institute from the 4th and entrust the basic deposit of 10 million to 30 million won to place an order to buy a leveraged ETF. The basic deposit is applied differentially in three stages, taking into account the investment experience, investment purpose, and credit status. Individual basic deposits should be inquired with a securities company. The preliminary training is conducted by registering the online training completion number of the Financial Investment Training Institute with a securities company.

Existing investors cannot purchase related products from the 4th unless they have completed the online training course by the 31st of last month. The Financial Services Commission mandated preliminary education and basic deposits from September 7th of the same year through the plan to consolidate the ETF/ETN market announced in May last year. Existing investors were suspended from applying the system until the end of last year.

The leveraged ETF/ETN also includes Gopbus (Inverse x 2), which ranked third in net purchase by individual investors last year. Multiplication is a compound word of multiplication and inverse. It is an ultra-high-risk product with twice as much profit as the decline when the stock price falls, but doubles the loss when the stock price rises. According to the Korea Exchange, last year, individuals net bought KODEX 200 futures Inverse 2× ETF worth KRW 3.586 trillion. It is estimated that these investors are suffering enormous losses from the surge in the KOSPI index.

Before the consolidation plan was prepared, it was possible to invest in related products by simply agreeing to the’risk bill’ of a securities company. However, it was pointed out that the investment risk, character and nature, etc., should be notified in detail as the investment in Gobbus has increased rapidly since Corona 19. Investors who do not conduct direct transactions, such as professional investors and foreigners, are excluded from the pre-training.

Reporter Park Uimyung [email protected]

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