Last year’s online shopping transaction amount, the largest mobile shopping ever, surpassed 100 trillion for the first time

Last year’s online shopping transaction was the highest ever… Mobile shopping surpassed 100 trillion for the first time
In the aftermath of the corona, overseas’reverse directballs’ declined for the first time since statistics were written

(Sejong = Yonhap News) Reporter Kwak Min-seo = As the demand for non-face-to-face transactions increased due to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19), the amount of online shopping transactions last year reached a record high. Mobile transaction amount exceeded 100 trillion won for the first time.

◇ Last year, online shopping 161 trillion… Food, beverage and delivery food drives growth
According to the’December 2020 and Annual Online Shopping Trends’ released by the National Statistical Office on the 3rd, the amount of online shopping transactions last year was 166.1 trillion won, an increase of 19.1% from the previous year.
This is the highest since 2001, when related statistics were prepared.
Last year, the proportion of online shopping product transactions among retail sales was 27.2%, the highest since statistics were written.
By product group, the amount of food service transactions that order food delivered online increased by 78.6% from a year ago to 17.4 trillion won, the largest increase.
Transactions of food and beverages (+48.3%) and household goods (+44.1%) also increased significantly.
On the other hand, the transaction volume of cultural and leisure services (-69.3%) and travel and transportation services (-53.3%) hit by Corona 19 decreased significantly.
Yang Dong-hee, head of the service industry trend of the National Statistical Office, explained, “As the time spent living at home increased due to Corona 19 last year, online transactions mainly increased, mainly for household goods and food and beverages.”
Last year’s mobile shopping transaction amounted to 107.8 trillion won, an increase of 24.5%, a record high.
Last year was the first time that annual mobile shopping transactions exceeded 100 trillion won.
As of the fourth quarter of last year, the amount of online shopping transactions (45 trillion won) and mobile shopping transactions (30.9 trillion won) also reached record highs.

◇ The first decrease since the statistics of overseas reverse direct sales were written
The number of’reverse direct’, where overseas consumers buy products at domestic online shopping malls, declined for the first time last year.
Last year, online overseas direct sales amounted to 6 trillion won, down 0.6% from the previous year.
This is the first time since 2014 when related statistics began to decline on an annual basis.
Manager Yang Dong-hee explained, “Amid the slowing growth of cosmetics sales in China, online duty-free shop transactions have decreased due to the aftermath of Corona 19.”
By country, online overseas direct sales decreased last year in ASEAN (ASEAN and Southeast Asian Nations) (-31.4%) and Japan (-13.6%). China increased only 0.9%.
On the other hand, last year’s overseas direct purchases (direct purchases) reached 4.1 trillion won, an increase of 13.0% over the previous year, a record high.
As of the fourth quarter of last year, online overseas direct sales amounted to 1.5 trillion won, down 18.2% from the same period last year.
In particular, sales of online duty-free shops in the fourth quarter were 1.2 trillion won, down 24.7% from the same period last year.
Overseas direct purchases increased 25.9% to 1.3 trillion won.
In Japan, where the amount of direct purchases decreased significantly in the aftermath of the boycott of Japanese products in 2019, the amount of direct purchases as of the fourth quarter of last year was 75.3 billion won, a 56.9% increase from the same period last year.
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