Last year’s cryptocurrency exchange interest also topped’Bitsum’… ‘Upbeat’ closely pursued

[스트레이트뉴스 신용수 기자] Amid the recent strong trend in virtual asset’Bitcoin’, it was found that’Bitsum’ received the most attention from investors last year among major cryptocurrency exchanges.

Separately, despite the strong bitcoin, the online interest is still quiet, demonstrating that the recent surge was due to the US Wall Street institutions and big losses.

On the 5th, the Global Big Data Institute was randomly selected by the Institute for 210,000 sites in 11 channels, including community, cafe, YouTube, blog, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Kakao Story, intellectuals, companies/organizations, government/public. It announced that it has conducted big data analysis on ▲Bitsum ▲Upbit ▲Coinbit ▲CoinOne ▲Poblegate, the’Top 5 Exchanges by Information Volume’ among 30 domestic cryptocurrency exchanges.

In this survey, the’News’ channel was excluded from the analysis because there were many postings that were not related to the intention of investors, such as the automatic market transmission of robots.

Provided by Global Big Data Research Center

As a result of the analysis, the exchange that had the most online postings in 2020 was’Bithumb’, a total of 158713, accounting for 39.06% of all postings on the five major exchanges. Nearly 4 out of 10 are Bithumb postings.

The second place was’Upbit’, with 149740 cases, accounting for 36.86%. The proportion of postings of Bithumb and Upbit reaches 76% of the total.

The third place was CoinBit, with 51,163 cases and 12.59%, followed by Coinone 23,024 (7.14%) and Poblegate 1,7646 (4.34%).

It is noteworthy that, as a result of examining the monthly transaction volume of these five cryptocurrency exchanges, the interest rate in March last year, when the bitcoin price was the lowest in the range of $3,000, was the highest. It is showing a distinctly different appearance from the family.

Bitcoin began to surge in earnest from the end of October last year, and in December it surpassed the reported prices of $20,000 and $30,000 one after another, but the online interest rate was unusually low. The amount of information in December, which was recorded one after another, was only half of that of March, the lowest price this year.

This proves that large-scale investment banks on Wall Street such as JP Morgan Chase and Fidelity, and US institutions such as’Paul Tudor Jones’ and’Stanley Drucken Miller’, which are hedge fund investors, are leading the bitcoin market.

Meanwhile, as a result of examining the favorability of these exchanges targeting 11 channels, the positive rate of Poblegate and Coinone exceeded 40%.

In the case of the negative rate, Poblegate is also in the mid-10% range among the lowest, indicating that investors’ perception is not bad despite the constant bubble controversy.

As a result of looking at the keywords’customer’ and’partner’ among the keywords in the postings of these five major cryptocurrency exchanges, Bithumb was the most common in both of these keywords.

In other words, it is a proof that Bithumb is taking the best care of investors and partners.

Coinone’s’customer’ and’partner’ keyword information, which was followed by Upbit and the 4th place of interest, was ranked 3rd, attracting attention.

Kim Hee-jeong, director of the Global Big Data Research Institute, said, “In the domestic market, the interest of ants is significantly lower than in December 2017, while the domestic market is solidified by the two-strong system of Bithumb and Upbit. As institutions are continuously incorporating bitcoin as a means of hedging, it is highly likely that the’reports after adjustments will be renewed’ pattern will continue in 2021,” he predicted.

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