Last year’s ‘26,000 chicken stores’ sales per affiliated store 200 million … 22%↑

Statistics Korea ‘2019 franchise (merchant) survey results’
Sales per member store 340 million won … 87.5 million won per person

Chicken (Photo = Pixar Bay)
Chicken (Photo = Pixar Bay)

[서울파이낸스 천경은 기자] Last year, sales per chicken franchise franchise amounted to 25.8 million won, an increase of 21.7% from the previous year. This is the industry with the largest increase in sales compared to the previous year.

According to the “2019 franchise (merchant) survey interim results” released by the National Statistical Office on the 24th, the nationwide franchise sales last year stood at 74.2 trillion won, an increase of 8.7% (6 trillion won) from the previous year.

The average sales per franchise store was 344.2 million won, an increase of 6.0% (193 million won) from the previous year.

By industry, the sales per affiliated store in the pharmaceutical industry was the highest at 1 billion5.7 million won. This was followed by convenience stores 51.7 million won, auto repair (4698 million won), and bakery (45.1 million won).

In the case of home laundry, including coin launderettes, sales per franchise store were the lowest at 170 million won.

The industry with the largest increase in sales compared to the previous year was chicken. The sales per chicken franchise franchise store reached 25.8 million won, up 21.7% year-on-year.

Kimbap and snack foods (12.1%) and household laundry (10.7%) also saw a significant increase in sales.

The sales per person in the franchise including wage workers was 87.5 million won.

Last year, the number of franchise affiliates was 216,000, an increase of 2.6% (5000) from the previous year.

The industry with the largest number of franchisees is convenience stores, a total of 41,000. In addition, there were 31,000 Korean franchise franchises and 26,000 chicken.

The number of franchise employees was 848,000, an increase of 3.9% (32,000) from the previous year. Of these, 297,000 (35.0%) were non-wage workers. The industry with the highest number of workers is also convenience stores, with a total of 193,000 people working at convenience store franchisees last year.

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