Last weekend before the election… 與野 to catch’Easter votes’

Both the opposition candidates of the Seoul and Busan mayors attended religious events

Seoul Mayor Park Young-sun, together with Democratic Party candidates, greets citizens at the Easter Mass held at Myeong-Dong Catholic Cathedral in Jung-gu, Seoul on the 4th. / Reporter Kwon Wook

On the 4th, the last weekend before the 4·7 re-election, candidates for the mayor of Seoul and Busan began to catch the vote of the religious world for Easter.

Park Young-sun, Mayor of the Democratic Party of Seoul, said through his social network service (SNS) early in the morning that “resurrection is a victory of honesty and sincerity, a victory of faith” I will.” As the first schedule, Candidate Park visited a church in Guro-gu and attended the Easter service, followed by the Myeong-Dong Catholic Church Easter Mass and the Korean Church’s Easter Combined Worship.

Candidate Se-Hoon Oh, Mayor of the People’s Power, also attended the Easter service of Sarang Church in Seocho-gu, Seoul after conducting a walking street campaign with citizens along the Han River in Sebit Island.

Candidates for the mayor of Busan also visited the religious event that day. Democratic Party candidate Kim Young-chun visited Namcheon Catholic Church in Suyeong-gu, Busan, and started the official schedule by attending the Mass on Easter Day. After that, the election office announced the policy pledge of’Busan, a tourist hub city in Eurasia’, and immediately attended the Easter joint service of the Buk-gu Vineyard Church in Busan.

Candidate Park Hyung-joon, Mayor of the People’s Power of Busan, also moved to the vineyard church after a street campaign in Jung-gu, Busan, and attended an Easter joint service. Candidate Park wrote on his SNS that day, “Resurrection makes us look back on values ​​such as life, truth, justice, peace, and love.” did.

/ Reporter Joo Jae-hyun [email protected]

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