‘Last Judicial Trainee’ Jo Woo-sang, alone, goes to Kim & Chang

50th Judicial Trainee Jo Woo-sang.  It looks like at the entrance ceremony in 2019.  News 1

50th Judicial Trainee Jo Woo-sang. It looks like at the entrance ceremony in 2019. News 1

On the 12th, the Judicial Research and Training Institute held a graduation ceremony for the last judicial trainee Jo Woo-sang (34). Jo trainee was admitted to the 50th judicial training institute alone in March 2019, and then completed the training alone for two years. At the end of 2017, the judicial examination was abolished, making it an independent completion ceremony.

To prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19), the completion ceremony was held in the Office of the Director of the Judicial Research and Training Institute with only 4 people attending, including Kim Moon-seok, the Director of the Judicial Research and Training Institute, Mr. Cho’s family and advisor watched the video of the completion ceremony in an online video program in a separate space at the Judicial Research and Training Institute.

After the graduation ceremony, Mr. Cho, his family, and his supervisor met for about 10 minutes. Even at this time, thorough quarantine measures were taken, such as wearing masks and sitting at a distance of 2m or more.

Born in Seoul, Cho graduated from Gyeongbok High School and studied law at Keio University in Japan in 2005. After that, he passed the Japanese Gentleman Law Examination in 2011 after attending the University of Tokyo Law School in 2009.

After that, he took the Korean bar exam and passed it in 2015, passing both tests.

After passing the bar exam, he was unable to appoint a judicial officer due to age restrictions, so he enlisted as a general private soldier. The course of the Judicial Research and Training Institute was also delayed due to military service. The Judicial Research and Training Institute said, “In the first year, I take lectures at the Judicial Research and Training Institute, and in the second year I train as a court, prosecutor, and attorney. As I receive training alone, training for Mr. Cho is flexible, taking advantage of the one-on-one mentoring class. It was done,” he explained.

Cho, who received the Judicial Research and Training Institute Award for excellent grades and exemplary attitude, decided to start working at the Kim & Chang law firm.

Reporter Lee Hae-jun [email protected]
