“Las” Kim Dong-hyun “The rank of fight in the entertainment industry? No. 1 is Kang Ho-dong…Julien Kang is 3rd place”

[매일경제 스타투데이 양소영 기자]

Kim Dong-hyun, a mixed martial arts player, has revealed the rank of fighting in the entertainment industry he thinks.

MBC’Radio Star’, which aired on the 10th, featured Kim Dong-hyun, Mo Tae-beom, Lee Hyeong-taek and Yoon Seok-min as a special feature of’Entertainment Athletes’ Village.

On this day, MC Ahn Young-mi asked Kim Dong-hyun, “You couldn’t sleep at night because of the Julien River?” Previously, when asked about the rank of the entertainment industry by appearing in’Radio Star’, Julien Kang picked 1st place Ma Dongseok, 2nd place, Lee Jaeyoon, 3rd place Yoon Hyeongbin, 4th place Kim Jong-guk, 5th place Kang Ho-dong.

Kim Dong-hyun said, “I watched that broadcast too, and I asked who would win in other programs. Asking itself will I fall asleep.” Kim Dong-hyun said, “If you need to distinguish between the two, the Julien River is human.” “I am not angry with Julian Kang. It feels a little like what people ask and ask,” he said, saying that it was upset to be questioned about the skills of a professional player.

The cast asked Dong-Hyun Kim how he was with Sung-Hoon Choo. Kim Dong-hyun said, “I am a close and close elder brother. “Because I’m an older brother, I have to say I’m losing.”

MCs asked Kim Dong-hyun about the ranking of the fight in the entertainment industry. Kim Dong-hyun said, “I know the Julien River is exercising, but I have never seen it. I’ve never seen anyone do it.

Kang Ho-dong is the first place in terms of his actual experience. Second place is Jaeyoon Lee. You are so good. And the third place is the Julien River.”

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Photo|MBC broadcast screen capture

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
