‘Language of the Heart’ shared by Director Minari and her daughter… American Nurimen “were in tears”

Daughter “I prayed for my dad to be rewarded”… Director Jung “The Reason My Daughter Made the Movie”

Director Lee Isaac Jung and daughter are delighted with the news of the Buttercup Award
Director Lee Isaac Jung and daughter are delighted with the news of the Buttercup Award

[골든글로브 트위터 계정 영상 캡처·재판매 및 DB 금지]

(Los Angeles = Yonhap News) Correspondent Jung Yoon-seop = The impression of the Golden Globe award from director Lee Isaac Jeong (Jeong Isak), who directed the movie’Buttercup’, with his daughter with a bright expression, is drawing attention in the United States.

Director Jung, who won the Best Foreign Language Film Award at Golden Globe, expressed his impressions of the award while hugging his 7-year-old daughter Libya tightly, and netizens’ reactions that they were impressed with the scene online decreased.

Director Jung’s daughter Libya hugged her dad when Minari was called as the winner at the online awards ceremony held on February 28 (local time) and shouted, “I prayed and prayed (for my dad to receive the award).”

Director Jung looked at her daughter in her arms with a lovely gaze and said, “The reason my daughter made this movie.” “Minari is a story about a family, and that family is trying to learn their own language.” Revealed.

“It’s more profound than any American or foreign language. It’s the language of the heart,” he said. “I’m trying to learn it and pass it on (to my daughter).”

Based on Jung’s autobiographical experience, Minari tells the story of a Korean family who moved to a farm in Arkansas in the southern United States following the American Dream in the 1980s.

Director Jung’s father and daughter’s impression of the award drew a hot response online.

A netizen who cried after seeing director Jung and his daughter
A netizen who cried after seeing director Jung and his daughter

[트위터 게시물 캡처·재판매 및 DB 금지]

One netizen posted a post on Twitter on the 1st and wrote, “I was moved by my daughter’s appearance and director Jung’s impression of the award, and I was in tears.”

Also, “I cried when I saw my daughter say’I prayed and prayed'”, “Director Jung gave a very lovely impression of the award with her daughter”, “Dad and daughter’s emotional moment”, “My daughter was very cute.” The reaction light was lined up.

Taiwanese sociologist and writer Nancy Wang Yuan, who has been leading the eradication of racial discrimination in the United States, posted on Twitter, saying, “I love director Han Chung’s awards impression that Minari is the language of the heart, and I love his daughter.”

The NBC broadcast, which broadcasted Golden Globe, said, “Director Jung’s daughter stole the spotlight,” and said, “Director Jung had a very cute fan.”

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