‘Land development guidance’ came out from LH staff… Police “Investigation of speculation relations”

On the afternoon of the 9th, the police, who finished a seizure search for allegations of land speculation at the headquarters of Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) in Chungmu-gong-dong, Jinju-si, Gyeongnam, are coming out with confiscated goods. 2021.3.9/News1 © News1 Reporter Yeo Ju-yeon

The police investigating allegations of speculation in the 3rd new city by employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) seized and searched the residences of 13 LH employees and obtained a map with detailed information on the new city development.

On the 10th, the National Police Agency’s National Investigation Headquarters said, “We confiscated a map related to land development at the home of an LH employee,” and said, “We are investigating the relationship between data sources and speculation.

It is known that the map contains detailed information such as the location and title of the land.

On the 9th, the anti-corruption economic crime investigation team of the Southern Gyeonggi Police Agency seized and searched the residences of 13 LH employees and 3 locations including LH headquarters (Jinju), Gwacheon Uiwang business headquarters (Gwacheon), and Gwangmyeong Siheung business headquarters (Gwangmyeong).

In the process, it is known that 13 employees who are suspected of speculation have secured computer hard disks, mobile phones, and electronic documents.

After the seizure and search, the police began a forensic analysis to collect criminal clues and evidence left on digital devices.

Investigative experts say, “The future is important.” This is because the allegations of speculation by LH employees are considered a difficult case to prove the allegations. This means that it is not easy to grasp undisclosed information using business position and to determine whether speculation was made based on it.

Although there are cases of prosecution only with circumstantial evidence, there are many cases in which speculation charges were not admitted in actual trials.

Land development-related maps and mobile phone data secured by the police are considered as’smoking guns’ (core evidence) to determine whether or not they use internal information.

However, the allegations of speculation are so large that only tens of thousands of people are investigated by the government joint investigation team, so the police plan to speed up the investigation by analyzing the extensively collected data in a forensic way.

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