Kyungnam Bank’s’Free Consultation Counter for Women’s Employment’

[창원=뉴스핌] Reporter Nam Kyung-moon = BNK Kyungnam Bank announced on the 22nd that it will operate the’Free Consultation Counter for Women’s Employment on the Go’ for local women who are struggling to find employment due to Corona 19.

Free counseling service for women on the go, operated by the sales department of BNK Kyungnam Bank’s head office[사진=경남은행] 2021.03.22 [email protected]

The free counseling desk for women who visits has been temporarily suspended since last June due to the spread of Corona 19. However, due to the prolonged COVID-19 outbreak, the employment difficulties of local female job seekers are increasing, and the operation is re-operated quarterly.

As before, the shopping cart job counseling counter provided in the sales department of the head office resides at the Masan Women’s New Job Center and provides employment counseling to local women. It provides information such as vocational education and training and employment and business start-up support programs through customized employment counseling.

The free counseling desk for female employment on the way is open from 10:30 am to 15:00 pm.

In order to prevent the spread of Corona 19 and to provide safe job counseling, local women must observe quarantine regulations such as body temperature check, hand disinfection, and wearing masks.

Kim Jong-hak, head of the Department of Social Contribution and Public Relations, said, “As we reopen the free counseling desk for women who are visiting, we will strictly comply with the quarantine regulations.” “I hope you visit the sales department of the main store.”

The Masan Women’s New Work Center, operated with support from Gyeongnam Province and Changwon City, systematically manages the entire employment process, such as job counseling, vocational education and training, internships, and follow-up management, so that local women can get a job where they want.

[email protected]
