Kwon Min-ah “Withdrawal from AOA? A member has been harassed for 10 years…to the extreme choice”

▲ Kwon Minah Instagram

[아시아타임즈=박민규 기자]Kwon Min-ah, an actor from the group AOA, exposed the fact that he was bullied within the group during his activities.

On the 3rd, Kwon Min-ah left a long message on his Instagram along with a picture of the message’Get off the hooker’ that came to the bad guys.

Kwon Min-ah said, “I really want to go off too much, but I have to take care of my mother.” “I’ll get a lot of calls saying that I’m innocent. That’s right. I’m innocent and haven’t learned properly.

He said, “After my dad died, I cried once in the waiting room, so some older sister dragged me to the waiting room closet to tell me not to cry because the atmosphere was blurred because of me,” he said.

Kwon Minah said, “Honestly, I really didn’t want to withdraw from AOA, but after being bullied for 10 years because of a person who hates me, I honestly wanted to turn my eyes back and swear at least once.”

He said, “A while ago, my older sister’s father died, and my heart hurts and I feel weird. I went to the funeral, and as soon as I saw me, I cried and said that I was sorry. It was empty and collapsed, my heart. It was just empty.”

He said, “The resentment disappeared and everything was fine, but I was so broken that I was scared of a vacancy period.”

Kwon Min-ah said, “Like people on the Internet, I don’t know who I am and I don’t know what I’m doing. I hate to look at it, it’s noisy, I don’t want to hear it, but I wasn’t born because I wanted to be born.” I don’t have to look pretty and I don’t have to pay attention, so why don’t we just leave it alone for a bit?

Meanwhile, Kwon Min-ah debuted as an AOA in 2012, and after leaving the team in 2019 without signing a renewal, she is working as an actor.
