Kwon Deok-cheol “Going back to the spread of group infection at workplaces during the New Year holidays”

Minister Kwon Deok-cheol, presided over the major script meeting

picture explanationMinister Kwon Deok-cheol, presided over the major script meeting

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On the 20th, the first deputy chief of the Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasure Headquarters (Corona 19) in Korea said that the number of confirmed cases of the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) increased rapidly. It seems to have turned to a proliferation trend,” he said.

Deputy Deputy Deputy Deputy General Manager Kwon said five days after the relief of the New Year holidays and’social distancing’ measures, but only two days after easing the steps, the number of confirmed patients was again at 500 to 600, larger than the previous week It has increased,” he said.

In particular, he said, “Collective infection is spreading to factories, workplaces, academies, daycare centers, and sports facilities in addition to hospitals, churches, saunas, etc.” “I was concerned.

Regarding the measures to ease distancing, Kwon also said, “It was implemented three months after the third epidemic began in mid-November last year.” said.

He added, “According to the recently released (previous year) 4Q household trend survey, the income distribution index has deteriorated and the social and psychological indicators are also deteriorating. We will come up with a government-level support plan.”

Deputy General Manager Kwon continued, “Even for the self-employed or difficult neighbors who have suffered damage, they must thoroughly practice the quarantine rules themselves to prevent the spread of infection, and achieve collective immunity by receiving vaccines in sequence.”

At the main script meeting on this day, we will intensively discuss ways to set a period of prohibition of blood donation after vaccination against Corona 19.

Deputy General Manager Kwon said, “We are fully preparing for the first vaccination six days later, such as conducting a joint mock training with relevant ministries so that vaccination can proceed smoothly.” I will also look closely at it.”


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