KT and Tesla are discussing the application of a connected car music streaming service

Will KT’s music streaming service be applied to Tesla vehicles?

[M오토데일리 박상우 기자] KT and Tesla Korea are discussing the application of a connected car music streaming service.

According to industry sources on the 14th, KT is discussing with Tesla Korea on the application of its connected car music streaming service, Genie Music streaming service to Tesla vehicles, and is expected to sign a related contract soon.

This contract is related to the contract signed by the two companies in 2017. In 2017, KT and Tesla signed a contract to establish a communication network in vehicles.

This is the implementation of Tesla’s telematics in Korea based on the KT 5G communication network. Telematics collects and provides traffic information in both directions by introducing a communication system between vehicles and vehicles or between vehicles and infrastructure in the road traffic system.

Tesla also launched Model S in Korea in 2017 and selected KT as a location information service partner.

In the meantime, Tesla Korea began preparations to introduce a connected car service that can enjoy real-time traffic information and music and video streaming by reporting telecommunications operators when the government eased regulations on the Telecommunications Business Act last year. As part of that, it seems that KT and Gni Music are discussing the application of streaming services.

Genie music streaming service concept diagram.

KT’s Genie Music streaming service can use Genie Music in real-time streaming form through an LTE network directly connected to the vehicle. In particular, the convenience has been greatly enhanced since there is no need to connect a smartphone or tablet PC to the vehicle through Bluetooth whenever listening to music. It is evaluated that it has opened up new possibilities for the expansion of in-vehicle infotainment functions and connected car services.

In detail, the best music listening environment in the vehicle is provided by providing intuitive and customer-friendly UX (user experience) through menus in the vehicle infotainment system, maximizing convenient operability and safety while driving, and supporting various voice codecs such as FLAC, MP3, AAC+, etc. to provide.

KT introduced this service for the first time through Genesis’ mid-sized SUV GV70, which was released last month. To this end, KT has conducted research and development with Hyundai Motor Group and Genie Music from the beginning of the GV70 development in order to implement the ability to directly stream music from the vehicle.

Through this, we have developed an optimization technology that reliably transmits high-quality music data with high capacity without interruption. In addition, it has consolidated the specialized capabilities of connected car technology such as connected car infrastructure, network resource allocation and service provision, streaming traffic separation and management, streaming product development, and subscriber management.

If the contract is concluded, Tesla Korea is expected to apply KT’s Genie Music streaming service to vehicles through OTA (Over The Air wireless update).

KT and Tesla Korea said, “We cannot confirm this.”

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