Krafton allegedly violating 52-hour workweek

Mr. A, an employee of Krafton, worked seven days a week for crunching game development in a month last year. Mr. A’s working hours per week exceeded 58 hours and 220 hours per month including other weeks. All are off the 52-hour week.

One day, Mr. A, an employee, hears a word from the head of the organization to “control time and attendance”. Accordingly, Mr. A corrected the day he worked for 14 hours and reported that he worked for 8 hours. Originally, it was the day that Mr. A worked overtime and left work by taxi at dawn. The organizer approved the revised working hours by Mr. A.

Meanwhile, A has accumulated compensation leave due to numerous overtime work. The company informs that compensation vacation will disappear if not used within 60 days. Mr. A has no time to take compensation leave because he has no manpower to replace him if he is missing. As such, Mr. A did not receive wages and compensation leave for overtime work, and his work record was recorded with an amendment.

Suspicion was raised that Krafton (CEO Kim Chang-han) corrected the working hours of the employee. HR headquarters is responsible for personnel management on the 52-hour system in Krafton. Chairman Byeong-gyu Jang also serves as the head of HR headquarters.

On the 16th, a public interest reporter in Krafton said, “People who exceeded 52 hours a week received verbal guidance through the organizer, and those who were likely to check 52 hours a week had an atmosphere of manually manipulating commuting by themselves.”

Krafton is currently implementing a selective work system (average of 52 hours per week per month). No matter which week you exceed 52 hours, you work less than 52 hours in another week to get the average. Krafton is informing its employees that the average of 52 hours per week should not be exceeded through the’Selective Working Hours Guide’.

The working hours of Krafton employees are recorded on the employee ID tag. “Commuting hours are not intended to manage or control individual working hours,” Kraftton said. “It is only used to prevent overtime, on average, 52 hours per week as required by law.”

The problem is that the head of the organization has a record set to an average of 52 hours per week through post correction. The correction of Krafton working hours as disclosed by the informant is made through the organizer and team leader. The head of the organization guides the employees who exceed 52 hours per month on average to “manage time and attendance, and adjust so that the working hours do not exceed.”

The informant said, “The company does not explicitly instruct employees who have exceeded their working hours to correct them, but they all accept that they are asked to correct their overtime hours.”

For example, if you look at the Krafton schedule, the actual average monthly working hours for the employee is 58 hours. This employee corrected his working hours according to the guidance of the organizer. By revising the leave hours, the average weekly working hours per month was changed to be less than 52 hours. The organizer approved the revised working hours.

The employee’s actual leave time was 3 am, more than 12 hours after he went to work. The record of taxi usage for overtime transportation expenses used by the staff confirms that 3 am was the actual time for leaving work. After the head of the organization gave instructions to adjust the working hours, the employee changed his leave time to 23:00 the previous day. When the work hours were fixed, the average monthly working hours was set to less than 52 hours per week.

The revised employee working hours are marked with’correction completed’. These cases appear several times.

▲ Images processed to protect the informant

The reporter said, “If working hours are said to be close, if the working hours exceed 52 hours a week, the Krafton time and attendance site is manually operated.” He says, “It was a lot of things to keep working after pressing down that I went home.”

If the correction of working hours is true, Krafton violated the point that it notified its executives and employees that “you must not work more than 52 hours per week on average”. He also violated the guideline that’commuting time is not for managing or controlling individual working hours, and is only used to prevent overtime on average of 52 hours per week as required by law.’

“This case has two problems: overtime work and night work,” said Lee Chun-seong, a labor manager at a labor firm. He pointed out that it is no different from paying the workers’ wages in arrears.

“Moreover, if the violation of working hours becomes a problem, the reason for arbitrarily correcting working hours even though it is necessary to reduce working hours through measures such as adjusting the intensity of work is a manipulation to eliminate the possibility of violation of the law. This in itself is a critical issue that can be punished.”

A Krafton official said, “There is no fact that the members have not been guided to arbitrarily correct working hours.” It is explained that there was no adjustment of working hours at an organizational level.

Regarding arrears of wages, Kraftton said, “Until 10 p.m., a fixed OT (overtime allowance) is included in the annual salary, and after that, compensation leave for night or weekend work is paid.”

Regarding the time and attendance management system, “The time of staying at the company is reflected in the system, and the time of first access to the in-house system of the day is checked as the time of attendance, and the last accessed time is checked as the leave time. “It reflects the PC usage time under the situation at home,” he explained. He said, “The time and attendance management system is operated with freedom compared to other companies of the same type.”

Kraftton said, “The company manages working hours so that it does not exceed legal standards based on the autonomy and responsibility of its members. If overtime is expected, we will guide you to manage working hours through early leave, etc.” “I have.” He added, “We are guiding and correcting members in order to keep in mind the parts that may add extra time to work, such as when the commute record is incorrect,” he added.

However, the informant said, “You can manually manipulate commuting and commute, and I don’t know the standard that it is more free than other companies. Other companies turn off their pc or cannot connect if they do not receive approval after 40 hours a week. “Is it possible to work’more’ freely than other companies?” he asked.

He pointed out, “There is no care for the part of the member’s information email, whether they actually work over time.” did.

In addition, Krafton said that compensation leave disappears after 60 days, “if it is not available within the period, it can be used through an extension of the deadline, and if it is not used until retirement, it is recommended to use it before retirement.” .

If you cannot use it until retirement, a Krafton official said, “The former) Pubji before the integration is settled as an allowance if compensation vacation is not used at the time of retirement. He replied, “Since the integration, unused compensation leave is settled as an allowance.”

In addition, there are suspicions that Krafton has not paid two hours of wages. According to the Krafton labor contract, the company and its employees contract for 10 hours of overtime work per week. Then, 50 hours is the limit at workplaces that apply 40 hours a week. So far, if Krafton has worked 52 hours a week, there is a difference of two hours. This is the point where suspicion of non-payment of two-hour wages arises.

Accordingly, a Krafton official replied, “It is a principle to pay compensation leave for excess of 2 hours, but it has not been long since the time and attendance management system was integrated and applied, and there may be some omissions due to it.” He added, “Currently, we are working with the Tech headquarters to improve the in-house T&A system, and we plan to collect and give data after the system is completed.”

Meanwhile, Krafton said, “Based on the integrated corporation in December 2020, we are trying to create a system that allows our members to focus more on development.” There were parts where it was difficult to respond quickly,” he said.

In this regard, he emphasized, “Krafton plans to continue its efforts to supplement and improve the system that is consistent with creating an environment in which employees can continuously communicate and focus more on development.”
