KOSPI’s record-high breakdown deadline… Investor sentiment recovers from Biden’s warmth

President Joe Biden took office, policy expectations↑
Daejangju Samsung Electronics reversing last-minute rise
Space industry-related stocks are on the rise

(Photo = Getty Image Bank)

(Photo = Getty Image Bank)

The KOSPI index has written a new record high based on the closing price. With the launch of the Biden administration, anticipation of economic stimulus measures and the continuation of moderate monetary policy ignited the preference for risky assets.

On the 21st, the KOSPI index closed at 3160.84, up 46.29 points (1.49%) from the previous day. It is a record high in terms of closing prices. The index, which started rising to 3123.27 on this day, rallyed in the afternoon as a strong buying trend inflow.

The inauguration of Joe Biden as the new president of the United States had a positive impact on the stock price as policy expectations grew. President Biden began his tenure at noon on the 20th (local time). He did not make any special mention in his inauguration speech, but as he has already promised active economic recovery support, including an additional $1.9 trillion worth of fiscal stimulus, expectations for the new government’s stimulus package continued.

The easing monetary policy is also expected to be maintained. The US central bank (Fed) has suggested that it will maintain zero interest rates until the end of 2023.

Jeonghoon Seo Samsung Securities(41,600 +0.73%) The researcher said, “The biden government’s stimulus for economic stimulus, moderate monetary policy, and the attractiveness of low-priced US technology have reinforced the sentiment of preference for risky assets.” It had an effect.”

While foreigners bought 2214 billion won, individuals and institutions sold 44.9 billion won and 163.6 billion won respectively. Arbitrage trading was 60 billion won, and non-arbitrage trading was 5.1 billion won, showing a total selling advantage of 66.5 billion won.

Captain Samsung Electronics(88,100 +1.03%)Ended with an uptrend. Samsung Electronics recorded 8,100 won, an increase of 900 won (1.03%) from the previous day. According to IT market research firm SemiAccurate, Intel recently signed a semiconductor consignment manufacturing (foundry outsourcing) contract with Samsung Electronics. It is reported that Intel plans to start consignment production from the second quarter of this year using Samsung Electronics’ production facility in Austin, Texas.

Shares related to non-face-to-face (untact) domestic representatives rose. Naver(322,500 +4.71%)Ended the transaction at 32,500 won, up 14,500 won (4.71%) from the previous day. cacao(454,000 +2.25%)Ended at 454,000 won, which jumped 10,000 won (2.25%) during the same period. It is interpreted that the large tech stocks in the New York Stock Market last night were affected by a surge in expectations of delays in corporate tax personnel.

Stocks related to the space industry also skyrocketed. Setrec Eye(67,600 ↑30.00%)Recorded the upper limit and Vitzrotech(13,200 +20.00%) AP Satellite(10,200 +15.91%) Hanwha(36,150 +15.13%) The back also soared to the 15-20% range. It is interpreted that expectations for the industry are growing, such as the recent announcement that Arc Invest, a famous U.S. ETF manager, is launching a space-related ETF.

The KOSDAQ index also ended slightly higher. The KOSDAQ closed at 981.40, up 3.74 points (0.38%) from the previous day.

The won-dollar exchange rate declined (the value of the won was strong). In the Seoul foreign exchange market, the won-dollar exchange rate recorded 1098.2 won, down 2.1 won from the previous day.

Lee Song-ryul, reporter Hankyung.com [email protected]

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