KOSPI Trump recovers at the 2750 line despite the whims… LG Group flew

KOSPI recovers 2750 line despite Trump whims...  LG Group flew

The KOSPI index recovered to the 2750 line in one day. It fell during the day as US President Donald Trump put a brake on additional stimulus measures, but turned upward as the supply and demand for foreigners improved.

On the 23rd, the KOSPI index closed at 2759.82, up 26.14 points (0.96%) from the previous day. On this day, the index started rising at 2737.74.

At 10 a.m. that day, foreign sales poured out as President Trump announced that he would not sign the stimulus law passed through the US Congress, but the index maintained an uptrend on the news that the Congress could pass the stimulus law even if the president refused. The Kospi rose to 2769.08 at one time during the week.

Lee Won Buuk Securities(22,850 +1.11%) The researcher said, “It is true that foreigners’ demand for profits was increased the previous day as the favorable stimulus package leading the index was over,” he said. The supply and demand of foreigners can be determined.”

Foreigners and institutions are 83.4 billion won each. It raised the index by buying 30.2 billion won. On the other hand, the individual realized profits by selling 381.3 billion won.

Most of the top stocks by market capitalization rose. Samsung(73,900 +2.21%) SK hynix(116,000 +3.11%) Samsung C&T(137,000 +3.40%)The 2~3% level was strong.

LG Electronics(119,500 ↑29.61%)LG-related stocks rose as news of the establishment of a joint venture to produce electric vehicle parts with Canadian Magna International, a global auto parts maker.

LG Electronics Woo recorded the upper limit, and LG Electronics surged 29.61% from the previous day. LG Woo and LG Innotek(185,000 +12.80%)Also, they rose 18.38% and 12.80% compared to the previous trading day, respectively. Thanks to the rise of LG Electronics, the electric and electronic industry jumped 2.93% on this day alone.

On the other hand, the pharmaceutical industry fell 2.81%, sluggish. Daewoong Pharmaceutical(167,000 ↓29.98%) Myung Problem Medicine(7,970 -16.02%) Chong Kun Dang Bio(82,000 -15.38%) The back plummeted 15-29%. It is interpreted that the news of the change in Corona 19 was affected by the plunge in US pharmaceutical stocks such as Modena and Pfizer.

The KOSDAQ index fell. The KOSDAQ closed at 923.17, down 5.56 points (0.60%) from the previous day. It is an analysis that profit-taking sales were poured out ahead of the confirmation of the majority shareholder subject to stock transfer tax (on the 28th).

The won-dollar exchange rate rose (weakened the value of the won). In the Seoul foreign exchange market, the won-dollar exchange rate ended at 1107.6 won, up 0.2 won from the previous day.

Yoon Jin-woo, reporter at Hankyung.com [email protected]

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