Weak dollar and strong won… Foreigner two-hearted stimulation
Stocks related to non-life insurance are strong… 4th mobile communication stock decline

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The KOSPI index rose to the 3200 line again in three months. As the possibility of a global economic recovery is high, the weak dollar and the strong won have stimulated foreign investment sentiment.
On the 20th, the KOSPI index ended at 3220.70, up 21.86 points (0.68%) from the previous day. It has been about three months since the last January 25 (3208.99) that the index has crossed the 3200 line based on the closing price. The index, which started lower at 3198.31 on the same day, showed a sluggish trend at the beginning of the market and then turned to an upward trend. During the week, it climbed to 3220.82.
It is explained that the remarkable weakening of the dollar was favorable to the supply and demand of foreigners in a situation where the possibility of an economic recovery increased as major countries announced successive economic indicators that exceeded expectations. The dollar index, which represents the value of the dollar against the currencies of six major countries, fell to 91.019 on the same day, breaking the lowest level since the beginning of last month. The dollar is under downward pressure as US Treasury yields have recently weakened.
On the other hand, the won is strong every day. The won-dollar exchange rate, which went from 1130 to 1140 won last month, went down this month, and hit 1117.20 won per dollar the day before. On this day, the won-dollar exchange rate in the Seoul foreign exchange market closed at 1112.30 won, down 4.90 won from the previous day.
It is also positive that foreigners have turned their eyes to the East Asian market instead of Western countries where the situation of the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) is severe. It is a diagnosis that Korea, which has good economic recovery speed and good control over Corona 19, would have become an appropriate investment destination.
Jeonghoon Seo Samsung Securities(41,950 +1.82%) The researcher said, “When it comes to a short-term approach, the exchange rate market is acting favorably on overseas supply and demand.” “I said.
Individuals sold 3897 billion won, but foreigners and institutions bought 3262 billion won and 46.4 billion won respectively. In terms of program trading, arbitrage trading was 3.5 billion won and non-arbitrage trading was net purchase of 2308 billion won, showing a total purchase advantage of 234.3 billion won.
Non-life insurance-related stocks were strong. Heungkuk Fire Insurance(5,220 ↑29.85%)Recorded 5,220 won, up to the price limit (29.85%) from the previous day. Hanwha Insurance(4,800 +3.34%) Hyundai Marine(24,850 +3.33%) The back also climbed to the 3% level. As the shift to Corona 19 declines, the auto insurance loss ratio will improve and earnings are expected to improve.
On the other hand, the 4th mobile communication-related stock was weak. CS(6,460 -6.51%)Was traded at 6460 won, down 450 won (6.51%) from the previous day. Solid(8,190 -1.33%) Comtech System(1,620 -1.52%) The back also fell to the 2-4% range.
The KOSDAQ index also rose. KOSDAQ closed at 1031.88, up 2.42 points (0.24%) from the previous day.
Kim Soo-hyun, reporter of Hankyung.com [email protected]
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