Korea’s last-minute victory… Ranked 1st in the world for ship orders over China

Putting the high-end 船 ahead… 43% share
Shipbuilding industry orders rally from the beginning of the year
Hyundai Heavy already signed a contract for 11 vessels, 1.3 yen

South Korea's'Last Reversal Win'... 'World's No. 1'to win orders over China

The Korean shipbuilding industry surpassed China and achieved the world’s first place in ship orders last year. Severe orders in the first half of the year suffered from drought, but a dramatic turnaround was succeeded in the last week of December due to year-end orders.

According to Clarkson Research, a UK shipbuilding and shipping market analysis company, on the 12th, Korea won a total of 8.19 million CGT (standard freighter equivalent tonnage, 187 vessels) last year, accounting for 43% of the market share, ranking the world’s No. 1. China followed with 7.93 million CGT (353 vessels, 41%). Japan only won 1.37 million CGT (86 ships, 7%).

Until the first half of the year, China won 3.15 million CGT orders and more than doubled the gap with Korea (118 CGT). It started pursuing by earning orders for the crude oil carrier (VLCC), etc.

In particular, it surpassed China (1.01 million CGT) by sweeping 2.85 million CGT, which is 73% of the world order volume (392 million CGT) last December. It showed the back feeling of successively winning orders for LNG carriers with a price of 186 million dollars (about 205 billion won) per ship.

Korea won orders for 36 out of 49 large LNG carriers ordered last year, 35 out of 41 VLCCs (85%), and 18 out of 28 Suezmax-class crude oil carriers (64%). Revealed potential. Last year, world orders for ships were 19.24 million CGT, down 66% from the previous year (291.1 million CGT), but Korea’s market share was 43%, the highest in the last decade.

Korean shipbuilders are continuing an order rally this year. Hyundai Heavy Industries Group announced that it has won an order of 200 billion won for two 300,000-ton VLCCs from European shipping companies. Hyundai Heavy Industries Group signed a contract to build a total of 11 vessels (1.3 trillion won) in one week, starting with the first order this year on the 5th.

An official from Hyundai Heavy Industries said, “We will focus on our ability to win orders, focusing on high value-added, eco-friendly ships such as LNG carriers, including container ships that are expected to recover this year.” Hyundai Heavy Industries Group set the target amount for orders this year to 14.9 billion dollars (about 16.1 trillion won), which is about 35.4% higher than last year (11 billion dollars).

Reporter Mansoo Choi [email protected]

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