Korean grandmother captivated by the US… Movie Buttercup Yoon Yeo-jung 13 crowns official

'Buttercup' Yoon Yeo-jung /Photo = Busan International Film Festival

‘Buttercup’ Yoon Yeo-jung /Photo = Busan International Film Festival

Yoon Yeo-jung of the movie “Buttercup” achieved the feat of 13 awards in the American acting award.

According to the movie’Minari’ on the 19th, Yoon Yeo-jung is a member of San Francisco, St. Louis Critics Association, LA, Boston, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Columbus, Greater Western New York, San Diego, Music City, San Francisco, St. Louis, Discussing Film Critics Association and US women’s films. The Journalist Association won a total of 13 Best Supporting Actress awards at the Sunset Film Circle Awards.

The movie’Minari’ is a story of a very special journey of a Korean family who left for an unfamiliar United States in search of hope.

In the drama, actor Yoon Yeo-jeong played the role of’Sunja’, a Korean grandmother who lived together in the United States to care for her young grandchildren’David’ and’Ann’ at the request of her daughter’Monica’ and her son-in-law’Jacob’. Following that, it captivated the hearts of domestic audiences.

Director Jeong Isak of’Minari’ continued a terrifying moment for Oscars by winning four screenplay awards at the San Francisco Critics Association Awards, as well as the Denver Critics Association’s Foreign Language Film Awards.

Having participated in the directing and scripting of this film, he has already made a big splash in the film industry by being nominated for the Golden Camera Award and Notable Gaze at the 60th Cannes Film Festival with’Moon Yurangabo’.

‘Minari’, who turned a green light into the Oscar race early, will be nominated for an Academy Award for actors Han Ye-ri and Yoon Ye-ri, the first Korean actors to be nominated for an acting award at the Academy Awards. It is drawing attention from all over the world as to whether it will be done.

‘Minari’, which is predicted to be the leading Oscar nomination for 2021, is scheduled to be released at theaters nationwide in March this spring.

Yerang Kim, reporter of Hankyung.com [email protected]
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