‘Korean Express’ Park Chan-ho attends a memorial ceremony for the late LA Dodgers director La Soda

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‘Korean Express’ Park Chan-ho attends a memorial ceremony for the late LA Dodgers coach La Soda

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Lee Jae-sang |
2021-01-20 16:31 sent

Park Chan-ho attended a memorial service for former director La Soda, who was a gift. The far left is Park Chan-ho. (LA Dodgers SNS) © News1

Korean Major Leaguer No. 1 Park Chan-ho (48) attended a memorial ceremony for former Los Angeles Dodgers coach Tommy Lasoda, who recently passed away.

On the 20th (Korean time), the Dodgers released a photo of a memorial event for manager La Soda held at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles through the club’s SNS.

At the memorial ceremony, the bereaved families and baseball players who had been with coach Lasoda were seated to commemorate the soul of the deceased.

Park Chan-ho shared the last of the deceased with Bobby Valentine and Eric Carros at a memorial ceremony.

All of them wore the “No. 2” uniform with Lasoda’s name on it, and commemorated the deceased.

Former coach Lasoda took the Dodgers’ baton in 1976 and led the Dodgers for 21 years until he resigned from heart disease in 1996.

During his tenure, he won the World Series in 1981 and 1988. He won the National League Coach of the Year Award twice, making him the best leader in the major leagues.

Above all, former director La Soda is a familiar face even to Korean fans because of his relationship with Park Chan-ho,’Korean Special’.

He joined the Dodgers in 1994 and helped Park Chan-ho, who became the first Korean to become a major leaguer, to grow as a son. Park Chan-ho followed La Soda, seeing him as his adoptive father.

Born in 1927, he died of a heart attack on the 8th.

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