Korean Air launches’Hotel on the Sky’ A380 to fly without landing

223 seats including First Prestige… Observe distance
Additional flights on March 6·13·27… Sold through Hanjin Gwanggwang

[서울=뉴스핌] Reporter Kang Myung-yeon = Korean Air will operate a non-landing international tourism flight product on the 27th.

Korean Air announced on the 19th that it will fly an A380 aircraft (flight KE9021) and fly over Incheon-Gangneung-East Coast-Busan-Korea Strait-Jeju. The A380 is an existing super-sized aircraft and is called the’hotel in the sky’. It is a schedule to leave Incheon Airport at 10:30 am on the 27th and return to Incheon Airport at 1 pm.

Korean Air A380 aircraft [사진=대한항공]

This product is for Koreans holding a Korean passport. On the day of flight, use the dedicated traffic line for non-landing tourist flight at Incheon Airport Terminal 1. You must bring your passport with you as the immigration procedure is the same as for international flights. In-flight meals and beverage services are not provided, and in-flight duty-free items can only be purchased in advance.

There are a total of 223 seats including 12 First Class, 47 Prestige Class, and 164 Economy Class. For safe travel, all seats are operated in strict compliance with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport’s distance prevention guidelines.

For all passengers, a safety kit consisting of ▲amenities that can be experienced in upper class ▲3 KF94 masks ▲hand sanitizer ▲hand wipes, etc.are provided. Korean Air boarding mileage for each class is also provided. First Class and Prestige Class passengers can also use the Korean Air lounge service at Incheon Airport Terminal 1. In addition, it provides various benefits such as discount coupons for domestic hotels.

For more information on product purchases and benefits, please visit The Hyundai Travel, a travel agency in charge of product sales. Product sales are until 1:00 p.m. on February 25, and may close early on a first-come, first-served basis depending on circumstances.

In March, Korean Air, along with Hanjin Tourism, operates three non-landing tourism flight products on the 6th, 13th, and 27th.

A Korean Air official said, “We hope that it will help relieve the travel thirst of customers who have delayed air travel due to Corona 19. We will continue to operate non-landing international tourism flight products with the focus on win-win with travel companies through indirect sales. “He said.

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