Korea Polkadot Alliance joins 4 new project teams

[블록미디어 강주현 기자] It was announced on the 24th that 4 teams of new projects have joined the’Korea Polkadot Alliance’ founded by’RAI Finance’, a polkadot-based cross-chain asset exchange protocol.

DVP, Fiction Network (PXL), Umbrella Network (UMB), and Cryptos Capital are the main characters. The four new teams joining the Korea Polkadot Alliance will contribute to the Alliance by supporting products and technologies in their respective fields. DVP focuses on technical support in the field of blockchain security, and Fiction Network focuses on NFT issuance and assetization. The Umbrella Network will provide secure off-chain data, and Cryptos Capital will work to advise and discover the project.

The Korea Polkadot Alliance is a non-profit consortium composed of domestic Polkadot-based projects and teams founded by Rye Finance, STP Network, and Cobak. The Alliance is planning activities such as meetups, events, and discussions to support technology and capital for a polkadot parachain auction and expand the Korean Polkadot ecosystem. In particular, the Alliance plans to run’Parachain Lease Offerings’, where Polkadot Token (DOT) holders can stake DOT and receive tokens from participating projects.

“As new teams join the Polkadot Alliance in Korea, we have strengthened the community’s capabilities and secured diversity,” said Lee Kun-ho, CEO of Rai Finance. “I will have the expertise of “.
