Korea Communications Commission rejects the designation of Naver, Kakao, and Toss’personal verification agency’ (complementary)

The three companies Naver, Kakao, and Viva Publica (Toss) have applied for a new identity verification (CI) agency to the Korea Communications Commission. (Provided by Korea Communications Commission) 2020.12.18/News 1

The three companies Naver, Kakao, and Viva Publica (Toss) applied for the Korea Communications Commission to designate a new identity verification agency.

On the 9th, the Korea National Communications Commission held the 8th plenary meeting at the Gwacheon Government Complex and said, “It was judged that the three companies applying for the tax did not meet the criteria for designation.” We will not designate it as an institution.”

Earlier, on September 22, last year, the three companies applied for an examination of the designation of identity verification agencies to the Korea Communications Commission with the Korea International Trade Information and Communication Agency last year. However, in December of last year, the Korea Trade Information and Communications Commission issued a conditional designation and extended the review period for Naver, Kakao, and Toss.

In the case of Toss,’no facilities for issuing a means of replacing the resident registration number’ and’non-real name account subscribers’ for Naver and Kakao were caught up.

So-ra Lee, head of the Internet User Policy Division of the Korea Communications Commission, said, “Toss has established an identity verification system separately, but has submitted a plan to provide identity verification services using the means of other organizations without directly creating an alternative means for identity verification.” “We received an opinion that it was inappropriate for the facility to manage and provide personal identification information issuance, identification information, duplicate subscription confirmation information, and connection information.”

Regarding Naver and Kakao, “We issued an alternative means of resident registration number to provide identification service to members who have signed up for an existing non-real name account, but it is impossible to identify whether the owner of the alternative means and the actual user are identical, so’uniqueness’ can be secured. I have been pointed out that there is no.”

Accordingly, the operators said,’The matters determined to be inadequate are minor enough to be cured during the review period’ (Toss),’The initial account sign-up is performed with non-real name, but the identity verification service is converted to real name after identity authentication and account occupancy authentication’ (Naver· Kakao), but was not accepted.

Regarding this agenda, all of the Korea Communications Commissioners agreed that’the three companies were insufficiently prepared.’

Kim Hyo-jae, a standing member of the Korea Communications Commission, said, “There may be controversy over the insistence of insisting on face-to-face verification measures in non-face-to-face countries, but there is a solution to clearly solve the pointed out problem. Without it, it is my opinion that it is difficult to designate an identity verification agency by the Korea Communications Commission, which is a national agency.

Commissioner Chang-ryong Kim also said, “All three companies have one or more major nonconformities.” He stressed that there is an obligation to designate eligible applicants as identity verification agencies.

Chairman Sang-hyuk Han said, “In the review process, I can tell you that we have comprehensively reviewed the user’s convenience request and the opinion that protection and safety should be valued as much as private personal information collectors.” “He said.

The secretariat said, “Because the identity verification agency is a business that handles identification information, it is difficult if there is room for use of identification information in a way other than the intended purpose.”

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