Knee injury is the best but hitting and catch ball started… I want to come back soon

“During the rehabilitation period, I didn’t know this long…I think I took a long break”

'Knee Injury' Choi, but the start of batting and catch ball...

Choi Ji-man (30, Tampa Bay Race), who was virtually unable to participate in the opening game due to knee pain, said that he started batting training and catch ball training and said he would like to return in an early time.

Choi Ji-man said, “I was surprised that my knee hurt twice, and I didn’t know that the rehabilitation period was this long,” through a video interview with local media on the 26th (Korean time).

I’ve been doing light batting training and catchball training since yesterday, and I want to come back soon.”

He added, “(Begin training), I feel good now,” he added. “I’m not sure about the return schedule, but the rehabilitation process is going smoothly.”

Choi Ji-man complained of pain in the right knee on the 28th of last month and returned after taking a break.

On the 13th, the right knee, which didn’t seem to be a problem, had trouble again.

Choi Ji-man, who felt knee pain, was diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and found inflammation.

Choi Ji-man stopped training after receiving injection treatment.

Local media said that it was difficult for Choi Ji-won to participate in the opening game of the regular season.

Choi Man-man, who was unable to play the opening game in the aftermath of an unexpected injury, calmly accepted the current situation.

He said, “It’s regrettable that it doesn’t contribute to the team’s power,” and “I’ll focus on recovering quickly and returning.”

When asked about the future schedule, he said, “The situation changes every day,” and “I think I can play, but the training coach needs to see (injury).”

As for the time of return, “I’m not sure.

“I don’t know what will happen to the rehabilitation process,” he said.

/yunhap news

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