Kingdom deletes cookie cutter items due to incorrect mileage design

After its launch, Dev Sisters’s top sales in the two markets showed a smooth start. <쿠키런: 킹덤>This wrong mileage design creates regret.

<쿠키런: 킹덤>There is a kind of point concept,’mileage’. This is paid when a cookie is obtained by drawing or achieving the maximum grade (5th grade). Earned mileage is You can purchase a cookie soul stone or several items.

The problem was It is an abuse of the’cookie cutter’ in the mileage shop. As a one-time cookie draw item, You need 80 miles to purchase a cookie cutter.

Including current cookie cutter, There is no limit on the number of purchases for all items in the mileage shop. therefore Users who achieve the maximum level of cookies can purchase large quantities of cookie cutters without any restrictions. Being able to aim for more mileage by continuing the extra draw. Note that, <쿠키런: 킹덤>In When a cookie that has reached the maximum level by the draw is released, the rare level is 300 miles and the epic level is 800 miles.

The above information began to be known through the official cafe in the late afternoon yesterday. It seems that some users who are aware of this now have risen above all kinds of abuse, PvP or PvE content, and widen the gap with users who do not know the content. Currently, the cookie cutter item in the mileage shop has been deleted.

The Devsisters announced the above at 3:11 am today (29th). The developer said, “We are internally grasping the mileage-related contents. In order to prevent the problem by taking measures that could be exploited first, we did not expose cookie cutter items.”

In addition, “We ask for your understanding that we have not been able to provide you with information first in the state that detailed investigations have not been completed. We will follow up with thorough investigations. We apologize for any concerns. When the internal discussion is completed, we will inform you of the progress through a notice.” Said.
