Kim Yong-min,’Han Myung-sook mother harm perjury’ in the final’no charge’,’the prosecution reform could not be started… Pathetic conclusions’

Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Yong-min/Yonhap News

The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office finally decided on the suspicion of a ‘mohae perjury teacher’ by the investigation team for the violation of the Political Fund Act of the former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook and reported it to the Ministry of Justice. “I sharply established a confrontation.

Rep. Kim raised his voice on the 21st, saying, “We concluded a non-prosecution at a meeting of vice presidents of the great sword led by Acting Prosecutor General Cho Nam-gwan,” through an article posted on his Facebook page.

At the same time, Congressman Kim pointed out, “Through this, I feel that the prosecution reform has not even started properly,” and pointed out the situation as “the feeling of standing at the starting point of a long tunnel called prosecution reform.”

Rep. Kim also emphasized, “Through this case, new reform tasks are likely to be drawn,” and emphasized, “The prosecution’s twisting of the truth and the wrapping of family members will create a system that will disappear from history.”

Earlier, on the 19th, the Supreme Swordsman held a meeting of the Chief Swordsman and Chief Swordsman, attended by 7 chiefs of the Great Swordsman and 6 chiefs of high swords nationwide, presided over by Deputy Prosecutor Cho Nam-gwan.

At a marathon meeting of about 13 hours, the final decision was’no charge’. Of the 14 meeting attendees, including Deputy Deputy Deputy General Cho, 10 responded to non-prosecution, 2 abstained and 2 responded to the prosecution.

According to this conclusion, the position of Minister Park Bum-gye, who directly confirmed the 6,600-page prosecution record and initiated the investigation command authority, was forced to narrow.

Although the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office had already asked to review the case that the Supreme Prosecutor had concluded with no charges, the results did not change, as well as those who were assessed as pro-government tendencies because the prosecution opinions were imposed on two people.

/ Reporter Kim Kyung-hoon [email protected]

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