Kim Yong-ki “I think employment will be bad until February… Selection + universal disaster support fund required”

[세종=이데일리 최훈길 기자] Vice Chairman of the Jobs Committee Kim Yong-gi said, “The employment trend in December and the employment trend in January and February to be announced will come out badly,” and urged the victims of Corona 19 to provide selective and universal emergency disaster support funds to boost domestic demand.

Vice Chairman of the Jobs Committee Kim Yong-gi appeared at the KBS Sunday Diagnosis on the 10th and urged them to support the victims in parallel with the selection support for the victims and the national disaster support fund while being concerned about the COVID-19 employment shock. [사진=KBS]

Vice Chairman Kim Yong-gi appeared on the KBS Sunday Diagnosis on the 10th and said, “It is not easy to create jobs for the private sector.” “The vitality of private jobs and the role of the government for the private industry are very important.” The Jobs Committee, established since the inauguration of the Moon Jae-in administration, is the presidential body overseeing employment policies and is chaired by President Moon Jae-in.

According to the November employment trend released last month (compared to the same month last year), all three employment indicators (number of employment, employment rate, and unemployment rate) deteriorated. The number of employed was 27,241,000, down 273,000. The employment rate over 15 years old fell 1.0 percentage point to 60.7%. The unemployment rate rose 0.3 percentage points to 3.4%, the highest since 2004 as of November.

The number of employees in their 20s and 30s decreased by 209,000 and 194,000, respectively. The number of employment in the manufacturing industry decreased by 113,000. The number of wholesale and retail businesses decreased by 166,000, and the lodging and food businesses decreased by 161,000, respectively. The’December 2020 and Annual Employment Trend’ announced by the National Statistical Office on the 13th is also expected to deteriorate due to the re-proliferation of Corona 19.

In particular, the employment cold is expected to be prolonged this year. According to the Ministry of Employment and Labor, the number of employees (from the fourth quarter of last year to the first quarter of this year) to hire businesses with five or more regular employees was only 253,000. This is the smallest ever since the Ministry of Employment and Employment started a related investigation since 2011 (based on the fourth quarter of each year to the first quarter of the following year). Exports in December turned positive (12.6%), but the lagging indicator, the employment indicator, is not expected to be smooth in the first half of this year.

Vice Chairman Kim Yong-ki pointed out that in the first half of this year, measures to support employment such as active financial support are necessary. Vice-Chairman Kim said, “When distributing disaster subsidies, universal and screening should be performed at the same time.” While selectively paying (to the vulnerable and self-employed persons affected by Corona 19), we should consider direct and active national disaster subsidies to revitalize domestic demand. I emphasized.
