Kim Yong-beom, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Technology, “It will be a year to rapidly evolving discussions on improvement of the labor legislation

(Captured by Kim Yong-beom, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Technology, Facebook.)

(Captured by Kim Yong-beom, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Technology, Facebook.)

Kim Yong-beom, the first vice minister of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, said on the 2nd, “This year will be a year in which discussions on improving the labor law system rapidly evolve in line with the trend of the times.

On the same day, Vice Minister Kim wrote on his Facebook page, saying, “Some time ago, the National Employment Insurance Roadmap was announced. It is a significant achievement of institutional stiffness brought about by the Corona 19 crisis.”

Deputy Minister Kim said, “Special highs, freelancers, platform workers, self-employed workers, and in other words, atypical workers appearing in the employment insurance roadmap in turn.” As a result, a plan has been prepared to be included within the framework of employment insurance.”

He pointed out that the next task is to provide appropriate labor law protections to these atypical workers who have been excluded from the application of the existing labor laws (Labor Standards Act, Trade Union Act, etc.).

He said, “It is based on the Labor Standards Act, but by modularizing it, we individually enact laws that match the characteristics of each field.”

Deputy Minister Kim said, “There is a voice calling for the establishment of the’Basic Law for Working People’,” and said, “We stipulate those who work in the widest category as possible. “It is a bold proposal to provide a minimum safety net even to atypical workers who have been designed and excluded from the application of the existing labor laws.”
