“Kim Yeon-kyung, the commentator is also a surprised attack…” crazy performance

“Kim Yeon-kyung, the commentator is also a surprised attack…” crazy performance

Revision 2021.02.20 18:40Input 2021.02.20 17:39

A match between Pink Spiders of Heungkuk Life Insurance and KGC Ginseng Corporation’s professional volleyball team held at Incheon Gyeyang Gymnasium on the 19th. 3rd set Heungkuk Life Insurance Kim Yeon-kyung is delighted after he succeeded in blocking. [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

[아시아경제 온라인이슈팀] The game scene of Kim Yeon-kyung of Heungkuk Life Insurance is attracting attention online.

Heungkuk Life Insurance defeated KGC Ginseng Corporation with a set score of 3-1 and escaped from a 4th straight victory at the Dodram 2020-2021 V-League home game held at Incheon Gyeyang Gymnasium on the 19th.

Heungkuk Life, whose twin sisters Lee Jae-young Lee and Jae-young Lee recently fell asleep due to controversy over school violence, made a splash with the activities of the main battles Kim Yeon-kyung and Bruna Morais.

On this day, Kim Yeon-kyung led the team victory with 24 points and 51.21% of the attack success rate. In particular, in the 4th set 13-11, Kim Yeon-kyung performed a one-man show. He scored three points in a row to score on blocking. During the fierce pursuit of Ginseng Corporation, team-mate Bruna scored a decisive goal, and he was delighted with his feet rolling.

A match between Pink Spiders of Heungkuk Life Insurance and KGC Ginseng Corporation’s professional volleyball team held at Incheon Gyeyang Gymnasium on the 19th. In the first set, Heungkuk Life Insurance Kim Yeon-kyung (right) is pleased with his teammate Bruna’s scoring. [이미지출처=연합뉴스]

Kim Yeon-kyung’s performance, which caught the attention of volleyball fans on this day, is also confirmed by a post posted on the online community right after the game.

In particular, Kim Yeon-gyeong, who made his opponent sit down on the court with a powerful spike, was posted in a video post containing the performance of “The commentators were also surprised. No one expected to be hit like that, but nobody expected the ability to do it”, “I do this”, “Each crazy”, etc. She cheered at the appearance of Kim Yeon-kyung, who showed a reaction and smiled brightly as if she had shaken off her concerns.

Online Issue Team [email protected]
