“Kim Yeo-jung’s death note worked?” The Blue House strongly refuted

When some media used the expression’Kim Yeo-jeong’s death note’ over the replacement of Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa, the Blue House strongly refuted it.

On the 20th, Blue House spokesman Kang Min-seok sent a text message to reporters on the 20th, saying, “There are articles interpreting the greeting of the foreign minister as’Kim Yeo-jeong’s death note’. “It is not true at all,” he said, saying, “It is an unreasonable speculation report that can divide national opinion.”

Some media have raised the so-called’Kim Yeo-jung’s death note’ over the replacement of Minister Kang. It is argued that the ministers who criticized Kim Yeo-jeong, vice-president of the North Korean Labor Party’s central committee, have been hardened. Conservative opposition politicians such as People’s Power Member Ha Tae-kyung and independent lawmaker Yoon Sang-hyun also raised these suspicions.

▲ Reports that raised'Kim Yeo-jung's death note' while dealing with the news of the replacement of Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa on January 20th.
▲ Reports that raised’Kim Yeo-jung’s death note’ while dealing with the news of the replacement of Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa on January 20th.

Immediately after the news of the replacement of Minister Kang was delivered, △The Chosun Ilbo (Kim Yeo-jeong’Death Note’ worked again? Replace Kang Gyeong-hwa after unification and national defense) △ JoongAng Ilbo (Why did the Kim Yeo-jeong death note work?… 文 ‘Oh Gyeong-hwa’ instead of Eui-yong’s reason) △E Daily (Kang Kyung-hwa, △Money Today (Yoon Sang-hyun, “Kang Kyung-hwa, Kim Yeo-jeong replaced after 43 days of accusation… “Ha Myung-Hwa fired”) △Seoul Economy (Yoon Sang-hyun “Kang Kyung-hwa, Kim Yeo-jung accused) After a month, a lot of the media, including North Korea’s’Ha Myung Fired’”), sang Death Note.

Regarding this, spokesman Kang Min-seok said, “Minister Kang, who served for three years and six months, has expressed his gratitude several times since last year, saying he was tired of his mind and body, but he has held back.” “I said hello.”

Minister Kang Kyung-hwa is the longest-serving minister in the Moon Jae-in administration. On this day, President Moon decided to replace Minister Kang and appointed Eui-yong Chung, former head of the National Security Office of the Blue House, as the successor. On this day, the Blue House performed greetings from three ministries, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Small and Medium Business Ventures and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. On the same day, the vice chairman of the National Rights Commission, the second deputy head of the National Security Office, and the presidential special assistant for foreign affairs and security were also announced on the same day.

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