Kim Ye-ryeong, 55-year-old grandmother… My son-in-law Yoon Seok-min

Kim Ye-ryeong's daughter and son-in-law Yoon Seok-min appeared in'The Taste of Wife' / Photo = TV Chosun

Kim Ye-ryeong’s daughter and son-in-law Yoon Seok-min appeared in’The Taste of Wife’ / Photo = TV Chosun

Actor Kim Ye-ryeong’s family has joined as a new member of’Wife’s Taste’.

In the TV Chosun entertainment program’The Taste of a Wife’ (hereinafter referred to as’The Taste of a Wife’) broadcasted on the 22nd, a new member, a 55-year-old, unbelievable second-year old Wang, and 29-year-old actor Kim Ye-ryeong appeared. It raised the atmosphere.

Kim Ye-ryeong, who first entered’The Taste of a Wife’, made the studio a fuss with her unbelievable appearance and thorough management that she is a grandmother with two grandchildren.

Kim Ye-ryeong had his daughter Kim Soo-hyun, who was also an actor, and former national baseball player and major leaguer Yoon Seok-min as son-in-law. The daughter, Kim Soo-hyun, has an innocent beauty that resembles Moon Geun-young, the best friend of the popular actor Shin Hye-seon, and boasts excellent cooking skills.

Kim Soo-hyun, who filled her mother’s refrigerator with side dishes and prepared a fresh sacrament enough to break her upper leg, showed a deep figure of taking food for her friends. On the other hand, mother Kim Ye-ryeong created a sister-like chemistry rather than mother-daughter with her impatient behavior and charming tone of coveting her daughter’s clothes.

Here, Yoon Seok-min, a reassuring son-in-law, strongly recommended the dating of her mother-in-law Kim Ye-ryeong, a doll singer, and informed the example of a’family like a friend’. While her daughter, Kim Soo-hyun, also supported Kim Ye-ryeong’s love affair, Kim Ye-ryeong delivered a cool love view that no association was allowed on the condition of boyfriend, and that the younger can be up to 15 years old.

The broadcast on this day soared to 8.7% in the metropolitan area ratings based on Nielsen Korea, and the highest ratings in Bundang to 10.4%, winning the throne of entertainment on Tuesday night. Broadcast every Tuesday at 10pm.

Yerang Kim, reporter of [email protected]
Article reporting and press release [email protected]

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