Kim Song “Pretend to be a couple with Kang Won-rae… It was like hell”

[이데일리 장구슬 기자] Broadcaster Kim Song tells the story of her husband Kang Won-rae overcoming the discord and saving her family.

Kang Won-rae·Kim Song (Photo = Kim Song Instagram)

The stories of people who made miracles are introduced in EBS”Life Story’, broadcast on the 24th. On this day, Kim Song appeared as a guest and confessed about the three miracles he had experienced with Kang Won-rae.

In a recent recording, Kim Song introduced that Kang Won-rae, who had promised to marry in the past, fell unconscious in a car accident, but fortunately, it was the first miracle to survive dramatically.

As a second miracle, he revealed that he had saved his family even though the crisis came from frequent quarrels with Kang Won-rae.

Kim Song confessed, “I tried to protect Kang Won-rae with the power of love, but I was increasingly stressed by the reality of having to live with my husband, who became disabled at a young age.”

The studio was filled with surprise by revealing that “I was trapped in a frame that looked at me as an angel and pretended to be a parakeet couple in the broadcast, but in reality I had a hellish day while continuing to quarrel with my husband.”

However, Kim Song is said to have saved his family by being grateful for his present life.

In the broadcast that day, Kim Song is going to reveal what was the moment when he was able to find happiness like a miracle over a difficult period of divorce stories, and the last miracle he experienced.

The story of the three miracles Kim Song experienced can be confirmed through’Blue Manjang’ at 9:50 pm on the 24th.

On the other hand, the EBS liberal arts program’Life Story’ is a healing talk show hosted by star instructor Kim Mi-kyung, who heals the hearts of difficult people with’National Sister’, and Lee Jae-yong, who touches the hearts of the performers with a warm heart.

Each time, people with the same subject’s worries and pains gather to share their tumultuous life history and deliver a message of warm consolation and hope to viewers.
