Kim Song “’How can I live with my disabled husband?’ I can’t breathe” (‘Blue Manjang’)

[매일경제 스타투데이 이다겸 기자]

Singer Kim Song recalled a difficult time with her husband Kang Won-rae.

Kim Song-i appeared as a guest on EBS”Life Story’ (hereinafter’Blue Manjang’) aired on the 24th.

On this day, Kim Song said, “I was happy to run after the article’Gang Won-rae Kim Song 10 Years Dating Marriage Imminent’. But three months later, my husband was in a car accident.

I thought,’I wish I could stay awake’ whenever I said bullshit unconsciously for a month and a half. It was the first miracle that my husband woke up.”

“My husband took off the patient’s clothes and became a disabled person in a wheelchair. With the power of my love, I thought I could care for me until I die, but one day I opened my eyes and faced reality. ‘I’m young, how can I live with my disabled husband for life?’ I couldn’t breathe. If I knew the psychiatrist at the time, I would have received counseling treatment or medication, but I couldn’t even say that at that time. In the public eye, I had to be an angel.”

He said, “I want to get out of the way, I want to divorce, I don’t want to live. As I lived alone, I couldn’t drink a glass of alcohol, but I developed a stomach ulcer and poured it on my husband. He said’I’m divorced’ and beaten him at home and went to war, but the broadcast said,’My couple lives happily and well.’ It was so hard to have two faces and to pretend to be good on the expression.”

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Photo lEBS

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
