Kim Si-deok “Experience of same-sex sexual harassment in Sauna…not homophobic” (Comprehensive)

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Kim Si-deok “Experience of same-sex sexual harassment in Sauna…not homophobic” (Comprehensive)

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Minji Kim |
2021-01-09 17:32 sent

Screen capture of’Sitdown Comedy’ broadcast on YouTube channel Siduktube © News1

Comedian Kim Si-deok shared his past experiences of same-sex sexual harassment.

On December 29, last year, the video of’Sitdown Comedy EP8_A sexual harassed comedian A’was released on the YouTube channel Siduk Tube. In the video, Si-deok Kim confessed what happened in his early 20s, saying, “It’s a really shocking story.”

Kim Si-deok said, “I’ve been almost homeless for a month.” It said “No entry”. It was the first time I had ever seen such a thing in writing,” he recalled at the time.

“I was washing, wearing a gown, sleeping in the sleeping room, and I felt strange, so I opened my eyes. But somebody was sticking next to me.” She covered it and lie down. When I went and asked why I did it, I said I did it because I wanted to touch it, and I was sorry.”

He also said, “I remember two men around that time, crossing their arms and looking at me very badly,” he said. “I remember listening to the police and going to the waiting room again after talking to the counter.”

Kim Si-deok said, “I don’t hate homosexuals. But I hate X, who says I like it. I don’t have the heart to hate that thing among themselves, but I’m heterosexual, so if I force homosexuality…”

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