Kim Sae-rom’s’The Real Speaking’ After a Storm… Home shopping representative apology and broadcast also stopped [이슈]

[스포츠월드=현정민 기자] After broadcaster Kim Sae-rom’s’I want to know it’ affirmation, the storm is strong. In the end, GS Home Shopping also temporarily stopped broadcasting, revealing apologies for the controversy over Kim Sae-rom.

GS Home Shopping posted an apology on its official SNS on the 24th. CEO Kim Ho-sung said, “I apologize for the broadcast of’Show Me The Trend’ on the 23rd.” “During the broadcast, I was disappointed to customers and viewers with inappropriate remarks by the performers. I take this situation seriously and I feel heavy responsibility.”

Earlier, on the 23rd, Kim Sae-rom conducted a live broadcast selling imported home appliances at a home shopping, saying, “Is it over now? It’s not that important now,” he stressed that the priority is to buy his own products.

At the same time of the day, the sequel to the story of Jung In-i, a 16-month-old abused child who recently suffered public resentment, was broadcast,’I want to know-I’m sorry Jung In-ah, and the way our anger should go.

This was interpreted as’the case of Jung In is not important,’ and accusations of Kim Sae-rom poured out. Sae-rom Kim, who grasped the seriousness of the situation, said through his Instagram, “(‘I want to know’), “I did not know that the subject was dealing with an incident that I also hurt a lot and I was very angry. Despite the fact, I was very disappointed with myself, who made a disrespectful remark.” Kim Sae-rom has faced the greatest crisis since his debut in the entertainment industry.

Of course, it was a remark that could have come out sufficiently in terms of home shopping, where competition is severe, and at the time, the broadcast’I want to know’ may not have been aware that’Jung In’ was dealing with the case. However, through this controversy, the language purification of broadcasters, including home shopping, is once again strongly demanded. This is because there is a minimal dignity in broadcasting.

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Photo = Kim Sae-rom Instagram capture

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