Kim Myung-soo’s remarks, the roots of which he noticed, were three years ago.

In September 2017, President Moon Jae-in appointed Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo and urged him to “play a role that holds the center well”. “The independence of the judiciary and political neutrality are what I really dreamed of as a lawyer in my life.” After receiving the letter of appointment, Chief Justice Kim replied, “I am well aware of the expectations of the people.”

On the morning of September 25, 2017, President Moon Jae-in confers a letter of appointment to Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo at the presentation of appointments held in the reception room of the main building of the Blue House.

On the morning of September 25, 2017, President Moon Jae-in confers a letter of appointment to Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo at a ceremony to present a letter of appointment in the reception room of the main building of the Blue House.

At that time, it was’Candle Jungkook’. The slogan of the Moon Jae-in administration’s slogan for’clearing the redemption’, which was launched with the impeachment of the former president, was virtually the same as the’people’s expectations’ mentioned by the Supreme Court.

However, Chief Justice Kim, who had been asked for “political neutrality” from the President, rejected the resignation of Lim Seong-geun, chief judge of the Busan High Court on May 22 last year. Judge Lim is a party who has been stigmatized as a’Judge in the red’. Supreme Court Chief Kim rejected the resignation and said, “If (the resignation) is simply repaired, (the National Assembly) can’t talk about the impeachment.” He also said, “What (the ruling party) is installing like that for impeachment, but if I resign, what would the National Assembly hear?” The intention is that the resignation cannot be accepted due to the ruling party’s political schedule.

When the remarks became known, Chief Justice Kim denied that “I have never said such a statement.” Then, when Judge Lim secretly released the recorded transcript, he changed his words, saying, “The memory was not accurate.”

In the opposition and legal circles, the word “predicted disaster” came out. In a call with the JoongAng Ilbo on the 8th, a key official of the people’s strength said, “The Moon Jae-in administration has changed all the important positions to one that suits our tastes.” I said.

In fact, the appointment of Supreme Court Chief Kim was exceptional. He is the 13th junior of the Judicial Research and Training Institute than former Supreme Court Chief Yang Seung-tae. He is also the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court among non-Judges. At the time, a high-ranking official at the Blue House emphasized this as “a person reflecting the willingness to’change the mainstream’ toward the judiciary.” President Moon also said at the appointment ceremony, “The judiciary will change a lot just with the inauguration of the Supreme Court Chief.”

As President Moon’s expectations, the judiciary has changed. After Kim was inaugurated, eight of the 14 Supreme Court Justices were replaced. Six out of eight newly appointed Supreme Court Justices were filled with progressives from “Woo Kookmin” (Korea Law Research Society, International Human Rights Law Research Society, and a group of lawyers for a democratic society) at the request of Chief Justice Kim. They have become the’new mainstream’ of the Korean judiciary. This is the greeting from which Supreme Court President Kim, who completed the shift to the mainstream of the liberal arts, served as President of the Korean Law Research Association and the first President of the International Human Rights Law Research Association.

President Moon Jae-in (right) and Chief Justice Kim Myung-soo [연합뉴스]

President Moon Jae-in (right) and Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo [연합뉴스]

The Supreme Court, where the new mainstream became a majority, ruled in the case of forced conscription from Japanese imperialism, conscientious objection to military service, and the case of civilian victims of the Lushun rebellion, in line with the perspective of the progressive camp. The entire KTU also removed its status as an off-law union after 7 years. Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong became a strong candidate for the presidential election with the Supreme Court’s ruling innocent, and the pro-moon expects Gyeongnam Governor Kim Gyeong-soo’s acquittal.

President Moon also continued his remarks that deserved a controversy over the independence of the judiciary.

He said at the ’70th Anniversary Ceremony of the Judiciary’ in September 2018, “The suspicion of’Judicial Nongdan’ and’judicial transaction’ in the past government era is shaking the public’s trust in the judiciary. If there is any, the judiciary should correct it itself.” Supreme Court Chief Kim replied, “We will actively cooperate with the investigation in the field of judicial administration.” The opposition criticized that “(President) presented guidelines for investigation and trial as if yelling at the head of the judiciary.”

On December 22 of last year, President Moon invited Supreme Court Chief Kim to a meeting where “measures to overcome the corona” were discussed. The invitational targets were the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Chief of the Constitutional Court, and the Chairman of the Central Election Commission. Unfortunately, that day was the first day of the Administrative Court’s hearing on the disciplinary action of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol.

President Moon said to Supreme Court Chief Kim and others, “There are many conflicts due to the reform of the power institutions,” and “I hope that the heads of the constitutional institution will pay special attention and join forces in that regard.” After referring to the coronavirus situation, Supreme Court Chief Kim said, “I wish the President and all others good health and good luck next year.” The Code of Ethics for Judges stipulates that’the person concerned in the lawsuit shall not be interviewed or contacted outside the court of law’. President Moon, who approved the disciplinary bill, was an official in the case.

In front of the Supreme Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul, on the morning of the 8th, a Geunjo Wreath urges the resignation of Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo.  News 1

In front of the Supreme Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul, on the morning of the 8th, a Geunjo Wreath urges the resignation of Supreme Court Chief Kim Myung-soo. News 1

The opposition is currently calling for Chief Justice Kim to resign.

However, along with the Blue House, the Democratic Party remains silent. An official at the Blue House said on the day that “there is nothing more to say except that the term of office of the Chief Justice is guaranteed by law.” Supreme Court Chief Kim also did not answer any questions from reporters asking about the’political external pressure controversy’ on the way to work this morning.

Reporter Kang Tae-hwa [email protected]
