Kim Min-jae, “no work, defamation legal response” to controversy over private tutoring (professional)

[매일경제 스타투데이 신영은 기자]

In the midst of controversy that actor Kim Min-jae did not give proper lessons even after receiving private tutoring in the past, he refuted through his agency that he was “no work”.

On the 25th, Kim Min-jae’s agency studio Santa Claus Entertainment announced on the 25th that “We are making an official stance regarding the spread of false facts and malicious comments about our actor Kim Min-jae, which is currently emerging through the online community.”

The agency said, “First of all, Minjae Kim participated in the film’Cat: Two Eyes Seeing Death’ as ​​a production team at the time suggested by the author of the post. In parallel with this, he appeared in the film’Unfair Deal’ and had a busy time. I was spending time, so I didn’t have physical time for tutoring.”

He added, “In addition, the remarks mentioned by the author contain content contrary to Kim Min-jae’s occupational values. This is considered to be simply a claim to promote malicious abuse and issues.”

“Therefore, we will protect our actors from malicious rumors that are unfounded, and to protect the basic rights and interests of actors, defamatory posts based on false facts, and illegal activities (dissemination of false facts, writing malicious comments) I am telling you that we will take a tough legal response,” he suggested legal response.

In addition, he added, “I sincerely appreciate the support and trust of the fans who always loved and cared for the actors we belong to, and we will make every effort to show a better appearance.”

On the 24th, an online community posted an article asking actor Kim Min-jae to apologize. In the article, A said that while preparing to enter the theater and film department in 2010, he came to know Kim Min-jae through a tutoring site. He agreed to receive about five acting tutoring for a 200,000 won course fee, but claimed that Kim Min-jae did not implement this.

Mr. A added, “I have to inform the world even if I am poor at the age of 21. It is unfair for the teacher to be loved as a good actor,” he added. “If you have a conscience, please reflect on it now. That will be loved for a long time.”


This is Studio Santa Claus Entertainment.

We are making an official position regarding the spread of false facts and malicious comments about our actor Kim Min-jae, which is currently spreading through the online community.

First of all, Minjae Kim was working as a film directing team at the time suggested by the author of the post. At the same time, I was having a busy time appearing in movies, so there was no physical time for tutoring.

In addition, the remarks mentioned by the author contain content contrary to Kim Min-jae’s job values.

It is believed that this is simply a claim to promote malicious abuse and issues.

Accordingly, our company will protect the actors affiliated from unfounded malicious rumors, and to protect the basic rights and interests of actors, defamatory posts based on false facts, and illegal activities online (spreading false facts, writing malicious comments) We are saying that we will take a legal response.

We sincerely appreciate the support and trust of our fans who have always loved and cared for the actors we belong to, and we will make every effort to show a better image.

Thank you.

[email protected]

PhotoㅣStar Today DB

[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
