Kim Kyung-soo “I am responsible for the basic income controversy, but…”

Gyeongsangnam-do Governor Kim Gyeong-soo said again on the 24th that the basic income controversy raised around Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung was “my responsibility for proposing the payment of disaster basic income last year.” However, he drew a line saying that he was not conscious of the presidential election next year.

Governor Kim was on CBS Radio <김현정의 뉴스쇼> In an interview, he said, “The reason I proposed disaster basic income at the time of the first payment was because the situation was so urgent and the economic stimulus effect was also necessary.” He said, “In principle, disaster support is to be paid promptly so that the victims can cooperate with the victims, cooperate with the quarantine, and victims can receive sufficient compensation,” he said. “I understand that the nationwide payment is discussed because the corona damage is so great, It is necessary to discuss the need to go to basic income even in normal times.

“Basic income is premature… If Lee Jae-myeong comes, welcome”

Governor Kim criticized Cho Mok-mok, saying that the’payment of 500,000 won per person per year’ proposed by Governor Lee Jae-myeong as a short-term goal was not realistic. He said, “If 500,000 won per person, the annual (total budget) is 26 trillion won. Of 558 trillion won (as of 2021) in Korea, the R&D budget is 21 trillion won, the basic beneficiary’s budget is 13 trillion won, and the basic pension for the elderly. This is 14 trillion won,” he said, “Where are you going to spray 26 trillion won first? There are three mothers and daughters suicide (according to the life), and the elderly poverty rate and suicide rate are also No. 1 in the world? Which one is more urgent?”

However, he added, “Basic income needs to be reviewed in the long term,” and added, “There is a clear possibility that jobs will decrease due to the 4th Industrial Revolution.” Governor Kim said, “When I said so, it’s fortunate that Governor Lee Jae-myeong also accepted that’I’m not the basic income before the race’,” said Governor Kim. It is desirable to go like this,” he said. In addition, Governor Lee Jae-myeong’s suggestion that’I want to meet and talk in person’ said, “If you come, welcome anytime.”

Governor Kim is also a person who is counted as a so-called ‘Chin-no (Moo-hyun) and Chin-moon (Jae-in)’. Although it is a complicated situation due to the conviction of the first and second trials of the Drucking comment manipulation case, the politics still highly value his qualities as a presidential candidate. However, I replied to the question about the presidential election, “It is also a situation where the party has been suspended (by trial), and I don’t think it is appropriate to talk to central politics as head of the local government.”

However, he said, “In this presidential election, it is meaningful in itself that the talented people of our party actively step forward and show the people the future of the Democratic Party and the ability to dominate,” he said. “Isn’t that a desirable model for democracy?” In addition, even if the Supreme Court verdicts that he is not guilty, he said, “For me, it is a fateful homework for the Boulkyung Mega City (which is being promoted for balanced national development). As Gyeongnam Province governor, it is difficult to achieve this result in 4 years. I have said many times that I want to challenge for re-election.”

“President Moon Lame Duck? That’s the old standard”

On the other hand, Governor Kim said, “We need to change those standards now,” when asked if President Moon Jae-in ordered the pace of the prosecution reform to be regulated due to the recent prosecution surge. He said, “It is an authoritative political process in the past that the party should be organized in an orderly manner if the President said it,” he said. “The Democratic Party is much more democratic in that respect, and the fact that such a democratic debate can prevent the president’s lame duck.” I saw it.

Governor Kim said, “Even if the position of the Blue House is the theory of speed regulation of prosecution reform, it is decided through the law, so the National Assembly and the ruling party are important, so we have to discuss it sufficiently.” It’s going to go up to,” he said. He added, “During the time I was in the National Assembly, the Blue House and the ruling party always discussed closely,” he added, adding that “disaster subsidies were paid to the public and various issues were concluded after discussion.”
