Kim Kwang-hyun’s’demonstration sluggish’ reversal success? 9th Miami match start

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Kim Kwang-hyun’s’demonstration sluggish’ reversal success? 9th Miami match start

4th Mets match ⅔Innings 4 hits 2 walks 2 strikeouts 4 runs

(Seoul = News 1) Reporter Lee Sang-cheol |
2021-03-08 06:54 sent | 2021-03-08 07:46 Last updated

Kim Gwang-hyun will play his second major league demonstration game against the Miami Marlins on the 9th (Korean time). © AFP=News1

Kim Gwang-hyun (33, St. Louis Cardinals) will play the second major league demonstration game against the Miami Marlins on the 9th (Korean time).

Kim Kwang-hyun will start at 2:05 am on the 9th in the 2021 Major League Demonstration Match against Miami at Jupiter Rogerdin Stadium, Florida, USA.

He stepped on the mound in 5 days after the New York Mets on the 4th. Kim Gwang-hyun, who was the third starter for St. Louis, was sluggish in his first demonstration game. ⅔ During the innings, he scored 4 hits, 2 walks, 2 strikeouts, and 4 runs (3 ERA) against 8 batters.

When the pitcher threw more than 20 balls, in accordance with the special rules of the demonstration game, where the innings could be finished or replaced, the pitcher was relegated to the first, first and second bases in the first inning, and then pitched again in the second inning.

The average ERA in the demonstration game is 40.50, which is in need of a reversal. Kim Gwang-hyun was hit by the Mets from the beginning, but overall balance was shaken and the ball was slow. The maximum fastball speed was 144km.

Kim Gwang-hyun said, “My verse was shaken and my arrest wasn’t good enough. It wasn’t good enough. It wasn’t good enough,” he said. “I believe it will definitely get better in the future. It can’t be worse than today.”

Kim Kwang-hyun had never faced Miami in the major leagues last year, but he once faced it in a demonstration game. In the demonstration game held on February 27, 2020, he started with a perfect pitch with two innings and three strikeouts.

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