Kim Ki-Hyun “Park Beom-gye’Won Passing’, when you see the electronic payment time, all come out…靑, you have to reveal it”

Justice Minister Park Beom-gye is locked up at a plenary meeting of the Legal Justice Committee held in the National Assembly on the morning of the 18th. © News1

On the 22nd, Rep. Kim Ki-hyun of the Power of the People said on the so-called Justice Minister Park Beom-gye’s suspicion of passing President Moon Jae-in, “If you look at the electronic approval,’What time you uploaded’ and’Payment came out’, the debate is over if you disclose that time.” Requested to disclose the high electronic payment time.

In the political world, even though President Moon’s residence has not been given down, Minister of Justice Park Bum-gye announced the prosecutor-level personnel on the 7th, and it was said that Shin Hyun-soo, chief executive officer of the Blue House, was also related to this. Shin said he made a decision to leave the Blue House when he raised the need to inspect Park, who caused the’President Passing’ incident.

Rep. Kim Ki-Hyun expressed his appreciation at the CBS Radio’Kim Hyun-jung’s News Show’, and on some analysis that the reason why he made his passport embarrassed was’it seems to be his intention to do politics.’ He said that he knows the character of Shin chief better than anyone else, saying, “We are close to each other as (SNU law school student 77).

Therefore, “Shin Shin is not a style that covets power and snoops here and there.”

When the moderator asked, “How do you view the report that Secretary Park made the announcement without the president’s accusation,” Rep. Kim said, “The Ministry of Justice sent a notice to the Ministry of Justice at 12 noon on Sunday, saying,’We will announce a greeting plan soon.’ In response to the news, Shin said that he requested’do not distribute press releases.'” He pointed out, “How would the chief secretary call the Ministry of Justice and say,’Do not distribute press releases,’ if the President’s home is available? did.

“Nevertheless, the Ministry of Justice announced the personnel plan at 1:30 and resigned in the process. This is a saying that there is a very serious system breakdown inside the Blue House.” “Lame Duck,” which the Blue House and passports hate most. I took out the word and heard it.

At the same time, he pressured, “If the Blue House can disclose the electronic payment process, it is simple.”

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