Kim Jung-tae, Chairman of Hana Financial Group, succeeded in serving 4 consecutive days-Maeil Economy

Hana Financial Group Chairman Kim Jeong-tae (pictured) was exclusively recommended as the group’s next chairman candidate, confirming that it was four consecutive years. Chairman Kim became the CEO of the financial group for the second time following former chairman of Han Ji-joo Ra Eung-chan. However, the term of office will be extended for only one year until March next year, reflecting the bylaws of Hana Bank that contain the chairman’s age limit.

On the 24th, the Hana Financial Group Chairman Candidate Recommendation Committee (HoeChuwi) announced that it held the committee and recommended Kim as the next group president and the sole candidate of the chairman. Chairman Yoon Seong-bok said, “In the aftermath of Corona 19, there is continued economic uncertainty at home and abroad, and the candidate who can proactively respond to organizational stability and rapidly changing financial markets and achieve sustainable growth of the group in the global and ESG sectors is Chairman Kim. I gathered opinions,” he explained.

On this day, the Huichu Committee called the four candidates for president-elect selected on the 15th to verify the candidates through an in-depth interview. The final four candidates were three from inside, including Chairman Kim, Young-joo Ham, Vice Chairman of Hana Financial Group, and Seong-ho Park, Vice President of Hana Bank, and one from outside, including former Citi Bank President Park Jin-hoe. Hoe Chu Committee asked candidates about entrepreneurship, professionalism, global mind, vision, mid- to long-term management strategy, network, etc., which are the elements of interview evaluation set in the group bylaws, and then evaluated the answers in depth.

Chairman Yoon said, “Hue cold was highly praised for the fact that Chairman Kim Jeong-tae, the current chairman of Hana Financial Group, has been stably leading Hana Financial Group and has been recognized by shareholders, customers and employees for his outstanding performance.” Chairman Kim, who was nominated as the sole candidate for the next chairman of Hana Financial Group, is scheduled to be finally elected as the next president and president of the 1 year term after going through the board of directors and regular shareholders’ meeting held next month. Since the bylaws of Hana Financial Group stipulate that the age of the chairman cannot exceed 70, the term of office for President Kim, who is 69 years old this year, will be extended by only one more year unless the bylaws are changed.

The financial authorities also watched closely for the appointment of the next chairman of Hana Financial Group, but it is not expected to disagree. Finance Committee Chairman Eun Seong-soo said, “It’s a matter of following the procedure at the board of directors and meetings” regarding the appointment of the next chairman of Hana Financial Group after a meeting with the chairman of the five financial holding companies at the Bank Center in Jung-gu, Seoul. “It’s not appropriate to do that. It’s correct to respect their judgment.”

[김유신 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
