Kim Jong-bae and Yoo Si-min interviewed with controversy over deletion

Kim Jong-bae, the host of MBC Radio’s’Kim Jong-bae’s attention’, said in an interview on the 2nd, in an interview with the chairman of the Roh Moo-hyun Group on the 2nd, “I will make more efforts to make the host as a balancer and checker when an unconfirmed fact is told during the interview. .

This is an expression of regret that Chairman Yoo has proceeded to speak without filtering the allegations of the prosecution’s labor corps, which he alleges in an eye-catching interview last July.

In this broadcast last year, Chairman Yoo said, “In the midst of the motherland crisis, when I was conducting YouTube Alileo, I monitored in real time on the Great Swordsman. It is because I pointed out the words and actions of Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol and the prosecution behavior every week in Alileo,” he said. “So, I would have thought that I should not leave it as it is, and it seems that I searched the labor group account to find something.”

At the end of last month, the attention-focused production team deleted part of the YouTube broadcast containing the interview with Chairman Yoo. It was a measure in response to the request of Chairman Yoo to delete remarks related to the prosecution’s account inquiry by the prosecution in the attention-focused interview.

▲ On the morning of the 2nd, Kim Jong-bae, the host of MBC Radio's'Kim Jong-bae's attention', commented on the past interview with the chairman of the Roh Moo-hyun group on the morning of the 2nd. I will try harder.”  Photo = MBC Radio YouTube.
▲ On the morning of the 2nd, Kim Jong-bae, the host of MBC Radio’s’Kim Jong-bae’s attention’, commented on the past interview with the chairman of the Roh Moo-hyun group on the morning of the 2nd. I will try harder.” Photo = MBC Radio YouTube.

Current affairs critic Kim Jong-bae, who is the host, made a related position in the introduction of the intensive broadcasting on the morning of the 2nd.

Mr. Kim said, “Some media reported that some of the interviews with the chairman of the Roh Moo-hyun group were deleted from YouTube,” said Mr. Yoo. “Chief Yoo asked you to delete the remarks of the prosecution’s suspicion of inquiring the labor group’s account on the 22nd of last month. There was a request. As the parties publicly revealed that the facts were wrong, we decided that it was reasonable to accept the request for deletion, so we deleted the part from YouTube with a notice.”

Mr. Kim said, “However, I left the original interview on the attention-focused website because it needs to be preserved. You can still check it now in the full replay and interviews.” “Yesterday, one media pointed out that it was not deleted from podcast platforms other than YouTube. According to the purpose of deleting YouTube, it is correct to delete it from the podcast as well. I will take action today.”

Mr. Kim said, “As a host, I will also tell you that when an unconfirmed fact is spoken during the interview, I will try harder to make the moderator play more roles as balancers and checkers.”

Chairman Yoo apologized on the 22nd of last month for his allegations that the prosecution had looked into the Roh Moo Hyun Group’s main bank account. Chairman Yoo apologized, “I politely apologize to all the people involved in the prosecution for raising suspicion that the prosecution would have inspected me by filing suspicion that is not true.” It was an apology for telling the lie.

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