Kim Jin-wook “Today’s Deputy General Manager’s Announcement…Starting to organize the next week’s personnel committee”

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Jin-wook Kim, Director of Public Transportation

Kim Jin-wook, head of the High-ranking Officials Crime Investigation Department (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Public Affairs), said on the 29th, “After the decision of the Constitutional Court today, we will announce the position on the appointment of the deputy chief and the prosecutor of the investigation department.”

Deputy Director Kim said this morning, meeting with reporters on the way to work at the government office in Gwacheon, saying, “I will have a briefing at 5 pm today.”

On this day, at 2:00 pm, the Constitutional Court will hold a judgment on the case of adjudication of a constitutional petition, stating that the Airborne Act violates the Constitution, including the principle of separation of powers. Deputy Chief Kim expressed a cautious position, saying, “You must see the decision to know the sentence”.

To the question of whether the airlifting agency will be relegated to the case of the former Vice Minister of Justice Kim Hak-eui’s illegal departure, he avoided an immediate answer, saying, “There is a possibility that a judgment on the provisions of the espionage will appear in the constitutional decision, and it will serve as a guide for interpretation.”

Regarding the composition of the personnel committee recommending the prosecutor of the airlift, he said, “I plan to start the process by sending an official letter next week (requiring the recommendation of two members of the parliament).”

Regarding the promotion of the establishment of the’Case Evaluation Committee’, which listens to experts’ opinions on important decisions made by the airlift, he said, “the policy to be formed” and “when the deputy director’s appointment is completed, we will listen to the opinions and finalize a specific draft (to enter the airlift rules). did.

Deputy Minister Kim predicted at the National Assembly’s personnel hearing that “Initiation of investigation, prosecution, compulsory investigation, warrant request, etc. can be reviewed by the Case Evaluation Committee, which listens to the opinions of lawyers, university professors, and experts.”

When asked if the committee’s decision would be enforced by the airlift, he said, “we are reviewing all of that.”

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Jin-wook Kim, Director of Public Transport, answers questions from reporters


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