Kim Jin-wook “Investigation of Airborne Department No. 1…I can do it without notice”

On the 8th, Kim Jin-wook, head of the High-ranking Public Officials Crime Investigation Department (Airborne Division), (pictured) had the first meeting with Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol. It is usually a “prevention” meeting, but it is attracting attention as it is predicted that a case related to close associates such as Mr. Yoon’s wife could become the first case of the airlift.

On the 8th, Chief Kim visited the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-dong, Seoul for an hour and a half from 4 pm and held a private meeting with Yoon. It was a normal meeting after Kim took office last month. Deputy Chief Kim told reporters before entering the Great Swords Office, “Today is a meeting place, but there is no special agenda.”

The two had a conversation about the establishment of a working channel between institutions. After the interview, Director Kim said to the reporters, “We decided to cooperate by operating the channel practically (with President Yoon).” Regarding the standards of the prosecution’s investigation, he said, “We had a fundamental dialogue to cooperate well on the provisions of the case,” and “we didn’t have a specific dialogue about the standards.”

There is a prospect that close associates, such as the accusation of President Yoon and his wife, Kim Gun-hee, could become the first target of investigation by the airlift. The Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office is investigating allegations of Kim’s illegal sponsorship.

Deputy Director Kim said on the day of the No. 1 investigation, “If necessary, we should make a public announcement, but we can do it without notifying.” The Ministry of Public Transport has received 100 cases in the first half of this month by the 5th of this month immediately after its launch.

Deputy Minister Kim will also meet with Justice Minister Park Beom-gye before the Lunar New Year holiday. Deputy Director Kim planned to meet with Minister Park before President Yoon, but was postponed due to scheduling issues.

[류영욱 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
