Kim Jin-wook “An event in line with the purpose of establishing a military police agency”

Candidate Jin-wook Kim takes off his coat

picture explanationCandidate Jin-wook Kim takes off his coat

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Kim Jin-wook’s first high-ranking public officials criminal investigation agency chief candidate said on the 17th, “We will find a reasonable plan for standards and methods,” regarding the exercise of the “relocation request right” by the prosecutor’s office to take over the power corruption case under investigation by the prosecutors. .

He said in a written response to the personnel hearing that was submitted to the Office of Representative Yoon Han-hong, a member of the National Assembly Legislative and Judicial Committee, “We must prevent the reduction of the nation’s overall anti-corruption investigation capabilities, while ensuring that the purpose of establishing an airlift is respected.”

Candidate Kim emphasized that “other investigative agencies such as the prosecution and police will check” the investigation of corruption charges against the Minister of Public Affairs.

“By law, if the airlifter finds an internal criminal charge, the relevant data are notified to the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office to enable mutual checks,” he said. “For this purpose, the right to request for transfer of cases related to the airlift (other investigation agencies) You need to exercise it carefully.”

Regarding the ruling party’s “Prosecution Reform Season 2, which completely separates the right of investigation and the right to prosecute, it should start with a thought about how to exercise the powers the people have given to state agencies.”

Pointing out that only the prosecutors of the airlift were given the right to investigate and prosecute, he said, “By carefully considering how to return the authority to the people, we will make it possible for the airlift to realize the rule of the law and establish itself as an organization that exercise the reflective authority of respect for human rights.”

Regarding the’Airborne Service 1 Incident’, which is the focus of attention, he said, “We are very well aware of the symbolism and importance, and the public’s interest in it.” I will do it,” he said.


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