Kim Ji-hoon with a perfect score for college entrance exams in 2021… I heard the secret

I got my SAT report card [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

picture explanationI got my SAT report card [사진 출처 = 연합뉴스]

Kim Ji-hoon, a senior at Yongin Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (Yongin University of Foreign Studies), who received a perfect score in the 2021 college entrance exam, said on the 23rd, “I haven’t attended academy for 3 years. I think it seems.”

According to Yonhap News reports that day, Kim said, “I went to a hagwon in junior high school, but I was questioned about the necessity of it.” Said.

He added, “It’s not that the academy is not unconditionally helpful, but that it didn’t match my disposition,” he added. “The part I felt lacked was helped by internet lectures.”

“I studied various teaching methods while working as an educational club at school,” said Kim. If the secret is to spend a lot of time digging into, the secret is,” he explained.

Above all, he said he tried to find a study method that fits his or her disposition. He said, “When I look at the interviews of the perfect scorers, there are many advices such as studying 20 hours a day or 12 hours without rest. I tried it for a while, but in the end, I concluded that’let’s be me’ and’let’s study efficiently,’ and even if I sleep for 8 to 9 hours a day, I did my best to my abilities.”

On the other hand, 15 perfect scores came out last year, but this year, six (3 enrolled students and 3 graduates) came out less than half.

[김경택 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
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