Kim Hyun Joong “I can’t say I did well, but I blame myself every day after my ex-girlfriend”

Photo = KBS Joy broadcast screen
Photo = KBS Joy broadcast screen

[스마트경제] Kim Hyun-joong revealed that he had a hard time after the incident with his ex-girlfriend.

In KBS Joy’s’Ask Anything’ broadcast on the 4th, singer and actor Kim Hyun-joong appeared as a guest.

On this day, Kim Hyun-joong confessed his concerns, saying, “Because I care about people’s eyes, I am a bright person, but I am a person who is not bright and constricted. Can I live less and brighter?” Kim Hyun-joong had a hard time in 2015 as the conflict with his ex-girlfriend became known to the world. At the time, the ex-girlfriend claimed to have miscarried from Kim Hyun-joong’s assault.

He said, “I can’t say I was good, but I blame myself every day and dream once a week. Because my sword-like gaze puts pressure on me. It’s okay in front of my acquaintances and family, but I’m afraid that even one stranger would look at me strangely,” he said “I can do it.”

He said, “I couldn’t contact my hyungs. I thought there was nothing good for this person if my close friends were known,” he said, and that he couldn’t even contact the entertainment industry colleagues.

Soo-geun Lee and Jang-hoon Seo asked if they had resumed their activities. Kim Hyun-joong has been quietly active such as releasing new songs. He replied, “I did activities. I have been doing the music I want to do. But when I hid, I knew people weren’t doing anything.”

He said, “I stood in front of the camera after a long time, and my emotions were overwhelming. I thought that it was my last chance in my life, and I thought I had to do really well. I worked hard to film it, but I also received an acting award at the American Independent Film Festival. No one is curious,” he said, raising his upset heart.

Photo = KBS Joy broadcast screen
Photo = KBS Joy broadcast screen

Last year, Kim Hyun-joong’s secret story was hot online. The rescue of the Japanese restaurant chef who fell down as first aid. He said, “I was waiting for a substitute driving after eating with my acquaintances in Jeju-do, and there was a bang. But one uncle was lying down and stiff. I continued to do CPR. Even after 3 minutes, there was no response, so my honest heart was scared. It was useless. I wonder if I’m getting involved in work,” he recalled.

Kim Hyun-joong, who saved the chef like that, quickly left the scene. After that, the news was delivered online. However, Kim Hyun-joong said, “One day, I got a call. When I got 7 or 8 calls, I got into panic. I wanted to fall asleep quickly, so I drank and fell asleep. The next day, there was Kim Hyun-joong in the real-time search term. I couldn’t even click.” “There were some people who watched the case and watched my (assault) case again. I’m trying to take courage,” he said.

Lee Soo-geun advised that he wants to collide with Kim Hyun-joong’s story, and said, “Would you have come out’Ask Bodhisattva’ when you go out really well.

Kim Hyun-joong, who finished talking with Lee Soo-geun and Seo Jang-hoon, told the production crew, “Did you not say that there is no cure for a wound? That is true. I think I was thinking of a cure. My thoughts were short and I didn’t think much about having to go with the wounds.

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