Kim Hyun-joong confesses his first feelings after the former girlfriend’s case… “I blamed myself every day” (Ask Bodhisattva)

Kim Hyun-joong confesses his first feelings after the former girlfriend's case...
Photo = KBS Joy entertainment program’Ask Anything’ broadcast screen capture.

[아시아경제 김봉주 기자] In’Ask Anything’, Kim Hyun-joong confessed his feelings for the first time after the controversy over the’ex-girlfriend case’.

Kim Hyun-joong appeared in the KBS Joy entertainment program’Ask Anything’ that aired on the 4th.

Kim Hyun-joong, who turned 36 this year, said, “I was worried about people’s gaze. I’m a bright person, but I’m in a situation where I’m constantly shrinking. Can I live less and brighter?”

On this day, Kim Hyun-joong mentioned what became a hot topic in 2015 due to a conflict with his ex-girlfriend. The ex-girlfriend claimed that Kim Hyun-joong at the time was violated by forcing an abortion and abortion. However, Kim Hyun-joong won the court battle, and the court ordered his ex-girlfriend to pay 100 million won.

Kim Hyun-joong, who has been off work for about three years, has not been broadcasting since the drama’When Time Stops’.

When Seo Jang-hoon asked, “Aren’t there various things. How old were they?” Kim Hyun-joong said, “I’m about 29 to 30 years old. I can’t say that I was good, but I rebuked myself every day. I had a dream once a week.” said.

Kim Hyun-joong said, “I stay furry in front of my close people’s families. When I meet a stranger, I feel like he’s going to blame me.” It seemed to me that I would be harming myself. I felt like there was nothing good about getting close to me.”

Kim Hyun-joong did not broadcast, but appeared in a movie.

He said, “I can’t openly (activate) so people know I’m resting. I (appeared) in an independent film called’Changlong’. At first I refused, but the director said it should be me.” But I was overwhelmed with emotions. I thought,’This is what I can do well, and what am I doing’, so I put it all down with the mind of’This is the last chance in my life.’

Kim Hyun-joong added, “I had a hard time filming, but I got an acting award at the American Independent Film Festival. But no one is curious about it.”

Reporter Kim Bong-ju [email protected]
