[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]
Actor Kim Hyun-suk confessed that he had a hard time due to divorce and fraud.
Kim Hyun-suk and Jeon Soo-kyung appeared as guests in the KBS2 entertainment program’Sumi Lodge’, which aired on the 18th.
On this day, Kim Hyun-suk said, “Each person has stages. It is not an instant decision.”
“There can be problems with each other.”
Kim Hyun-suk’s divorce was not known even by close acquaintances. Kim Hyun-suk explained that he tried to protect his ex-husband who was exposed to the broadcast, saying, “The family story was cautious. No matter how difficult it was, I wanted to protect what he would protect.”
In addition to the pain of divorce, Kim Hyun-suk said that he had been scammed twice.
Kim Hyun-suk said, “The celebrity job is economically unstable.” He confessed that it was harder to hurt his heart than to lose money, so he also received psychiatric treatment.
Kim Hyun-suk said, “The second scam was the husband of a colleague.
He was the person who comforted me when I was first cheated and it was too hard. As soon as I went to Jeju Island, I was scammed. He said, “I couldn’t sleep because of the shock even after taking sleeping pills.” He said, “It was because of my son that I thought I had to live.”
Photo| KBS2 broadcast screen capture
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]