Kim Han-jung “President Wen will mention controversy over pardon at press conference in Yeondu”

Kim Han-jung, a Democratic Party member.  Newsis

Kim Han-jung, a Democratic Party member. Newsis

Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Han-jeong, who served as the first subsidiary at the Blue House of the Kim Dae-jung (DJ) government, predicted that President Moon Jae-in will reveal his position at a press conference at the beginning of the year on the issue of the amnesty of former presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye on the 5th.

Rep. Kim appeared on CBS Radio Kim Hyun-jung’s news show that day and said, “President Moon will be holding a press conference after mid-month, but I don’t know if you’ll mention it directly, but I know there will be talk about the public controversy over the two former presidents.” said.

Rep. Kim said, “Most investigations will be over after the 14th.” On the 14th, the Supreme Court sentenced former President Park, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison in the case of reimbursement of special activity expenses with Gukjeong Nongdan and the National Intelligence Service, for reappraisal.

Earlier, Democratic Party Representative Lee Nak-yeon said in a media interview on the 1st that “there will be a big key for the unity of the people.”

Representative Lee’s remarks sparked backlash within the passport, and the Democratic Party convened a closed supreme committee meeting on the 3rd and decided not to reconsider the discussion of amnesty in the absence of reflection or public consensus from the parties.

Rep. Kim bolstered Lee’s remarks, saying that an amnesty is necessary for the unity of the people despite opposition within the party. Rep. Kim said on Facebook on the 1st, “Of course, there will be controversy and opposition, but I think it is a good judgment.”

Rep. Kim maintained the position that he agreed to the amnesty on this day as well. Rep. Kim said, “President Kim Dae-jung pardoned former President Chun Doo-hwan, who tried to kill him, and seated Kim Jung-geun, who served as the chief executive of former President Roh Tae-woo, a symbolic figure of TK (Daegu, Gyeongbuk), as the chief secretary.”

He said, “As a result, we overcame the foreign exchange crisis, which is said to take more than 10 years, in two years.”

On this day, Rep. Kim also said, “(Representative Lee) seemed to be too crowded, so I helped a little bit, and I received a text criticizing some female supporters to leave the party, saying,’What are you, Han-jung Kim, are you also Sakura’.” “I understand the frustration, but I I think the representative has done what he should do as the party representative.”

When asked if President Moon and President Lee discussed the amnesty issue in advance, he replied, “It is not a personality that I can talk about and I do not know well.”

He said, “I hope that the opposition party will also be careful with their words so that the president can pardon them and change their attitudes, conscious that there are people who are resentful.”

Reporter Jeong Hye-jeong [email protected]
